Friday, September 27

AMLO says that Elon Musk regretted buying Twitter because there were “birds” in the social network

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente de México.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico.

Photo: Hector Vivas / Getty Images

César Reyes

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, pointed out that the tycoon Elon Musk regretted buying Twitter because he detected that there were accounts false and “big birds” in this social network.

“Now that a A man with a lot of money in the world had decided to buy Twitter, the platform has a check mark, then, I don’t know if it’s true, you know more but he kind of changed his mind or the operation was frozen because they began to talk about what, well, there wasn’t popcorn but birds, that there were many false accounts, what do they call that? bots, that is, it is not just Reforma and El Universal, well, it is a worldwide phenomenon”, he pointed out.

These statements by the Mexican president come after presenting and justifying the presence of his every Wednesday section “Who’s Who in the Lies” in the media, within his morning conference.

“It is important to know how our adversaries lie and slander in their desperation because they would like that the regime of corruption of injustices of privileges return, they miss corruption, they got used to corruption and to rule, to preserve the privilege of ruling, they got used to the fact that the people did not exist and now that the people are the protagonist of this story, well, they it bothers a lot”, he justified.

“It is not done to harm anyone ( the section “Who’s Who in the Lies”) , for affect anyone, but to maintain the debate on these issues, the right to information is very important, and that there is no monopoly on information”, he assured.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador stressed that it is important that the information in the media be truthful and democratic.

“That the information is not controlled by power or vested interest groups, but that the information be seen , democratic, that has ethics as an imperative”, he affirmed.

The past 26 in April, the Mexican president also referred to businessman Elon Musk whom he asked to clean up the Twitter bots and put an end to “manipulation”, this after making himself known the purchase of this social network by the billionaire.

“Now that a famous investor Mr. Musk (Elon Musk) did buy Twitter, I hope they clean it, clean it from the corr uption that is there, of manipulation with bots with robots, the purchase of advertising without transparency”, he commented.

“ Let the manipulation end and let there be no censorship to have alternative means of information and that we all have the possibility of communicating”, he reiterated.

It may interest you:
– AMLO asks Elon Musk to clean Twitter of “bots” and “corruption” and that there is no “censorship”
– Elon Musk warns that the purchase of Twitter will not take place without guarantees on fake accounts
– Elon Musk affirmed that the agreement for the purchase of Twitter is temporarily stopped