Saturday, September 28

Missouri woman was kidnapped and tortured by man she met on dating app

El acusado tenía antecedentes y tan sólo una semana de haber salido de la cárcel.
The defendant had a criminal record and had only been out of jail for a week.

Photo: Clinton County Sheriff’s Office / Courtesy

La Opinión

For: The Opinion Updated 18 May 2022, 04: 17 pm EDT

A Kansas City woman fled from a house where she was being held hostage by an individual she met through an app who beat and tortured her for two days.

The victim, whose name was not revealed, only that he has 10 years old, found a compatible match on her dating app so she decided to have a date. That same day, the man identified as James Larson Jr took her to the house

which he shares with his father in Lake Arrowhead in Clinton County.

The man from 39 years, the locked in a room and began with a series of brutal blows , according to the affidavit written by the Clinton police, explained that hit her with a closed fist in the face, kicked her with boots that had metal toes, stabbed her head with an ice pick.

During the two days he kept her in captivity, he never fed her or allowed her to go to the bathroom. The victim was in very bad condition, so the defendant’s father, James Larson Sr. tried to help her along with a relative.

According to Mr. Larson he told the authorities, that the woman did not I wanted to leave the place. One of the torture nights, James Jr. found a shotgun that he wanted to use on her: “I’m going to shoot him and then I’m going to shoot myself ”, were the words that his son confessed to him, reported the Kansas City Star newspaper.

The father convinced the son not to do anything to him, and asked him to keep the gun in the garage, so he went to do it, after a few minutes he returned and according to Mr. Larson’s statements, The defendant began to hit walls and break objects.

Even before the SWAT team rolled in, people in this county just outside Kansas City had been talking about James Larson Jr.

— The Kansas City Star (@KCStar) May 17, 2022

While distracted, tried to draw to the woman in the room, but he did not find the keys and he managed to see her lying on the floor in a fetal position, reads the report of the police.

After two days of torture, the The woman was able to escape from the house and ran to a neighbor to talk to the police, shortly after a SWAT team arrived . the first to turn himself in was the father and several hours later, hidden, they found James Larson Jr.

After being arrested, the county police Clinton discovered that the man had only recently been released from prison in Oklahoma where he had been charged with assault and battery on an officer of the law. Larson spent eight years in prison.

In Clinton, the 10 May was released from jail under provisional release, after being accused of possession of marijuana, a charge he denied.

James Larson Jr. is charged with first degree domestic assault, felony kidnapping, felony armed criminal action, and felony possession of a firearm. He has denied the charges.

The victim is still hospitalized with severe health problems, according to the report obtained by the WDAF newscast, which reported that has trouble breathing and couldn’t walk.

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