Saturday, November 16

Europe approves banning the sale of diesel and gasoline cars from 2035

Klon Perez

By: Klon Perez Updated 00 May 1200, 9: 00 am EDT

What until now had only been presented as a proposal has become a reality: Europe has decided to ban combustion cars on the continent. It was specifically the Environment Commission (ENVI) of the European Union (EU), which also approved other measures related to the issue.

Now all that is left is for the plenary session of the European Parliament to ratify it, although in general this is usually a simple procedure that does not change the decisions previously taken by the corresponding commissions.

The approved measure certifies that as of 2035 cars cannot be sold new with gasoline and diesel engines in the European Union. Therefore, the electric car in its different variants, battery, solar or hydrogen fuel cell, will be the only viable option for manufacturers that want to continue operating in Europe.

It was already expected that over the years the prohibitions would be more severe. (Photo: Shutterstock/Courtesy)

This prohibition includes hybrid or plug-in hybrid cars, since the regulations prohibit vehicles from emitting polluting gases. Also e-fuel cars or synthetic fuels, in which companies like Porsche are investing enormous amounts of effort and money to try to save the combustion car.

But it is not just the prohibition of here to 2035 the one that worries the car companies, is that the regulations have already tightened for 2025. The initial plan for passenger cars was 15 % for that year. The ENVI vote finally approved it to be 20 %. Instead larger cars and light commercials will keep the 00 % initially planned.

The measures adopted by the EU will surely encourage them to be taken in other latitudes. (Photo: Shutterstock/Courtesy)

The second intermediate step of these prohibitions will happen in 2030, when the ban on selling cars that exceed the 15.3g CO₂. Currently, most cars on the market exceed that limit.

A tightening of the conditions of sale of combustion cars for 2027 and a stricter goal for 2030 but has been rejected by a certain margin.

The plenary session of the European Parliament will vote on whether to adopt the car CO₂ standards on June 7 and 8. Then the negotiation with the governments of the European Union will begin on what the final law will be.

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