Friday, September 20

Meet the borrowed house Luis Miguel lived in when his family was bankrupt

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Although we are used to seeing ‘El Sol’ surrounded by great luxuries and eccentricities, his life was not always that easy Luis Miguel spent a childhood without great luxuries. Photo: Mezcalent

Some days ago a tiktoker invaded the famous Acapulco mansion of Luis Miguel , which is in total abandonment, leaving in evidence that there is already very little of the legacy that ‘El Sol ‘built in the famous Mexican port.

Before he enjoyed the high life, the Puerto Rican born went through several financial difficulties due to his father’s financial mismanagement, Luis Rey , which led him to even live in a house borrowed during part of his adolescence.

The house in question belonged to the actor Andrés García , who, due to the great friendship he had with Luis Rey, he decided to give it to them as they managed to get out of their

very difficult economic situation.

The property , in which they lived at the beginning of the decade of the 80, was located at Avenida San Bernabé 889 , in the San Jerónimo Lídice neighborhood, south of Mexico City.

The property, marked with the number 08, is white, has two floors and stands out for its brick walls, as well as for the large tree that it has in the planter area.

There on that street, which is closed, he made great friends, because they also lived there Roberto Palazuelos, Héctor Suárez Gomís, as well as Leonardo and Andrés , the children of Andrés García.

With them he formed the ‘Vampire Club’, since the five were lovers of going to explore an abandoned house and tell each other horror stories.

“This is how we became friends, in private meetings . Thirty years ago, or I don’t know how many, across the street, crossing Av. San Bernabé, there was an abandoned shack on a vacant lot. There we went to play scares, scares and those things, and we baptized ourselves as the ‘Club Vampiro’ “, recalled Roberto Palazuelos in an interview with the Mexican newspaper Reforma.

Just when he settled in that house, Luis Miguel began to reap his first great successes, which allowed them to live more comfortably and buy their own mansion in the number 675 from Montes Scandinavos , in Lomas de Chapultepec, one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the capital Mexican.

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