Thursday, October 10

Netflix will present a new plan with advertising by the end of 2022

Se espera que el nuevo plan se convierta en el más económico de los que ofrece la plataforma de streaming
The new plan is expected to become the cheapest offered by the streaming platform

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

Netflix plans to launch a new plan that will include advertising in exchange for a reduced subscription cost. Reports indicate that the new plan will be presented to the public during the last quarter of 2022.

The news was released after the company sent a memorandum to workers informing them of his short-term plans. The communication also pointed out that Netflix will tighten controls to prevent users from sharing their passwords with other people.

The idea of ​​incorporating a plan that includes advertising represents a turn of 180 degrees in Netflix’s position with respect to incorporating this type of content on its platform. For years those responsible for the service assured that they would never include advertising as part of their streaming offer.

This drastic The change comes at a complex time for the company, which reported in April that during the first four months of the year it lost more than 180,000 subscribers, something never seen before for the platform.

This trend is expected to continue over the next few months, with the possibility of losing more than 2 million users.

“Those who have followed Netflix know that I have been against the complexity of advertising and I am a big fan of the simplicity of subscription. But as much as I’m a fan of that, I’m more of a fan of consumer choice,” said Netflix CEO Reed Hastings after the company’s red numbers were released.

Hastings’ comments also noted that the implementation of this new business model would occur during the “next year or two”. The letter sent to the workers implies that the company decided to considerably speed up the implementation of this new plan .

Share passwords

The other element in which the company also expects to make changes important has to do with those users who decide to share their passwords with other people, who in some cases are not even in the same country.

Netflix is determined to put an end to this practice and for this they have implemented a system that allows them to identify this type of cases and be able to prevent them.

From the platform they assure that approximately some 100 Millions of households share Netflix accounts, which according to their calculations translates into losses of more than $9 billion a year.

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