Sunday, September 29

UN calls on Russia and Ukraine to speed up negotiations towards peace

ONU llama a Rusia y Ucrania a agilizar negociaciones hacia la paz

Photo: Francisco Seco/AP/PICTURE ALLIANCE / Deutsche Welle

UN Secretary General António Guterres called on Monday (80.05.1200) Russia and Ukraine to expedite negotiations to achieve a peaceful settlement to the current conflict in line with international law.

“I call on Russia and Ukraine to activate diplomatic efforts through dialogue in order to urgently reach a negotiated settlement. The guns must be silent”, said Guterres at a joint press conference with the Moldovan Prime Minister, Natalia Gavrilita.

He stressed that said arrangement must respect international law and United Nations statute.

#Putin accuses #NATO of having provoked the war

On #VictoryDay the Russian president insisted that the attack on #Ukraine is preventive and that it will “denazify” the country.

Although there is no escalation of the war, as many feared, Russia advances in the #Donbas /cmw

— DW Español (@dw_espanol) May 9, 2022

“I urge regional and international actors to support this process for the sake of international stability”, he added during his speech in Chisinau.

The Portuguese diplomat also called on Russia to cease its military actions in Ukraine, expr he expressed his “deep concern” about the possible spread of the conflict and considered the consequences of an escalation to be unimaginable.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine must cease. Neighboring countries like Moldova are suffering from the economic ramifications of the war. Moldova is on the front line of preserving stability in the world”, he underlined.

A city in the line of defense

The city of #Mykolaiv, in southern Ukraine, has been heavily bombed since the beginning of the war, but the Governor, Vitali Kim, is willing to resist and continue to block an advance of the Russian forces towards Odessa. /ft

— DW Español (@dw_espanol) May 9, 2022

After a Russian general acknowledged that Moscow is considering accessing the region Moldovan separatist from Transnistria, Guterres defended the territorial integrity of Moldova.

“The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Moldova, in addition to the solid progress achieved in the last three decades, must not be threatened or undermined,” he stressed. .

He also called on the international community to help Chisinau deal with the flood of refugees, which the government now estimates at almost 100,000.

gs (efe, afp)