Sunday, September 29

Video: They kill 2 Mexican journalists before they celebrate Mother's Day

Ejecutan a las periodistas  Yesenia Mollinedo Falconi y Sheila García Olivera en Veracruz, México.
Journalists Yesenia Mollinedo Falconi and Sheila García Olivera are executed in Veracruz, Mexico.

Photo: @MadresBuscan / Courtesy

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 10 May 2022, 7: 38 am EDT

La Opinión

They murdered two Mexican journalists before they celebrated the Mother’s Day , one of them left her children orphans. They were executed in Veracruz, a state that has become the most dangerous of Mexico for the press. Yesenia Mollinedo Falconi and Sheila García Olivera, director and reporter of the portal The Truthful , respectively. An armed command the he shot when they were in a car, in front of a mini-supermarket, as confirmed by the State Prosecutor’s Office . A reporter arrived at the scene of the crime to report the events, he almost burst into tears when talking about his companions, the emotional video with his narration went viral on the internet.


They have just murdered Yesenia Mollinedo Falcónido, a reporter for El Veraz, and Sheila Johana García Olivera, a camerawoman at the Municipality of Cosoleacaque, Veracruz

Enough is enough! 😡

With them they are already 19 IN 2022!

— Noise on the Net (@RuidoEnLaRed) May 9, 2022

-Read more: They kill the Mexican singer Gabriel Soto, after a shooting attack on the border

“ They were murdered for telling the truth (…) cowardice hides behind tinted windows, weapons and hooded people (…) He hits us, he hits the media, today it was the turn of a comrade (…) There they have a the state police doing nothing to arrest or reach the culprits,” said the reporter on the verge of tears and between sobs.

We condemn the murder of the journalists Yesenia Mollinedo and Sheila García, director and cameraman for the portal El Veraz, in Cosoleacaque, Veracruz.
With they already add 10 journalists murdered in year 2022.

— PERIODISM CIDE (@PeriodismoCIDE) May 05,

The double homicide was recorded in the municipality of Cosoleacaque, in the state of Veracruz, in broad daylight, according to the State Prosecutor’s Office in a statement: “The State Prosecutor General’s Office reports that an investigation folder was started, before the unfortunate events in which the director of the portal El Veraz, Yessenia Mollinedo Falconi, and the reporter Sheila Johana García Olivera, in the municipality of Cosoleacaque”.

The State Attorney General’s Office reports that An investigation folder was started, due to the unfortunate events in which the director of the portal El Veraz, Yessenia Mollinedo Falconi, and the reporter Sheila Johana García Olivera, in the municipality of Cosoleacaque, lost their lives.

— FGE Veracruz (@FGE_Veracruz) May 9,

It should be remembered that the past 10 January another journalist was murdered in Veracruz , the CEO of Inforegio, José Luis Gamboa, whose body took four days to identify. He wrote about the acts of corruption in the government and the insecurity in his state.

According to the organization Article 19, since the president of Mexico , Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assumed power on 1 December 2018, 1 have been registered,945 attacks against journalists; including 33 homicides, 9 of these in which goes from . Which represents a 80 % more than in the first three years of his predecessor Enrique Peña Nieto.

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