Tuesday, October 1

What chemicals are in sports drinks and their risks

By: Hello Doctor Updated 09 May 2022, 18: 01 pm EDT

Sports drinks are popular among athletes because, in addition to hydrating, they provide nutrients that are lost due to the physical wear and tear caused by training sessions and competitions.

Other attractive characteristics in sports drinks are flavor and color, in addition to their attractive presentation. Reasons why they are usually consumed by many people, even without exercising or playing sports.

Why is it important to stay hydrated when exercising or doing sports? practice any sport?

In high-performance activities, a lot of fluid is lost through sweating, just as caloric expenditure is greater. That is why sports drinks are formulated to replenish rapidly lost electrolytes and glucose.

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What do sports drinks contain?

Sports drinks are mainly composed of:


-Sugars (carbohydrates) or sweeteners.

– Electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium).

-Additives of color or dyes.

-Flavor additives or flavorings.

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Types of sports drinks

There are 3 different varieties of sports drinks with n based on its concentration.

– Hypertonic

Are those drinks that have a higher concentration of sugar and salt compared to the body. They are usually used at the end of training to obtain more carbohydrates.

– Hypotonic

Are those drinks that have a lower concentration of sugar and salt compared to the body. At the same time, they quickly replace the liquids that have been lost, ideal to avoid a high consumption of carbohydrates.

– Isotonic

They are the beverages that contain both sugar and salt concentrations in balance compared to the body. It quickly replenishes fluids as well as provides the necessary energy through carbohydrates.

Possible adverse effects of regular consumption of sports drinks

The ingredients used in sports drinks by themselves are considered safe since they are approved and regulated based on the guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

One of the possible drawbacks when consuming sports drinks regularly can result in a higher intake of:

– Sugars or simple carbohydrates.

It is recommended that the sports drink contain less than 30 g of sugars per 24 oz of drink.

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It is recommended that the sodium content not exceed 450 mg per 24 oz of sports drink.


It is recommended less than 225 mg of potassium per 24 oz of sports drink.

An adequate intake of sodium and potassium is necessary for heart health.

Given the wide variety of sports drinks available, it is advisable to check the nutritional content on the product label, as well as the list of ingredients. entities to choose the most suitable for you and avoid those that contain many chemicals.

In turn, evaluate if the activity requires their consumption, since ideally they should be consumed after having carried out around 1 hour of demanding physical activity and it is not always necessary, it is enough to hydrate with water.

If you have doubts regarding the consumption and frequency of ingesting sports drinks, ask your coach or sports doctor.

Source: Mayo Clinic, American Chemical Society, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health , USED.