Wednesday, October 23

AMLO will insist that the US lift the blockade on Cuba and that Biden not exclude countries from the Summit of the Americas

Andrés Manuel López Obrador y Miguel Díaz-Canel en Cuba.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Miguel Díaz-Canel in Cuba.

Photo: YAMIL LAGE / AFP / Getty Images

César Reyes

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, indicated that he will insist that the United States government lift the economic blockade against Cuba.

“With all respect to the sovereignty and independence of Cuba, I explain that I will continue to insist to seek as a first step that the United States lift the blockade to this sister nation to initiate the reestablishment of relations of cooperation and friendship between the peoples of the two nations”, he assured.

During a message to the media from Havana, Cuba, after receiving from the Order of José Martí, the highest decoration awarded by the Cuban Government, the Mexican president said that the United States “ looks bad” preventing the welfare of the people of Cuba with this blockade.

“My position on the United States government’s blockade of Cuba is well known. I have said quite frankly that it looks bad for the United States Government to use the blockade to impede the well-being of the people of Cuba with the purpose of this, of the people of Cuba, forced by necessity, have to face their own Government”, he pointed out.

The head of the Mexican executive mentioned despite continuing with the blockade it is “time for brotherhood and not for confrontation” between the nations of America.

“In one of those stains that cannot be erased even with all the water in the oceans, but also I maintain that it is time for brotherhood and not for confrontation as José Martí pointed out, the clash can be avoided, I quote, ‘with the exquisite political tact that comes from the majesty of selflessness and the sovereignty of love’ , it is time for a new coexistence between all the countries of America ”, he assured.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador also reiterated that he will once again ask US President Joe Biden to invite all Latin American countries to the next Summit of the Americas to be held next June in California, United States.

“That is why I will insist with President Biden that no country in the Americas be excluded from next month’s Summit to be held in Los Angeles California and that the authorities of each country freely decide whether or not to attend said meeting but that no one excludes anyone”, he insisted in his speech.

The Mexican president described former Cuban President Fidel Castro as a “giant” and stressed that he never bet or would bet on “the failure of the Cuban revolution” and that I would never support “coup plotters” who conspire.

He also asked that “ the revolution be capable of renewing itself

” and considered that “in Cuba they are doing doing things with that purpose”.

He spoke of a “new revolution within the revolution”, which in his opinion would be a “great teaching, a lesson from Cuba to the world”.

López Obrador took the opportunity to offer his condolences for the death of 30 Cubans in the explosion at the Saratoga hotel last Friday.

For his part, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel thanked his counterpart Mexican his solidarity for the tragedy that the island is going through after the explosion, as well as for his “firm position of rejecting the blockade” carried out by the United States against Cuba.

It may interest you:
– Cuba awards AMLO its highest distinction, the José Martí order
– AMLO places a floral offering at the Monument to José Martí in Cuba and is received by Miguel Díaz-Canel
– AMLO visits Havana: “Cuba is an ace up the sleeve of the Mexican president who is in office”

César Reyes