Wednesday, September 25

Ukraine reports heavy fighting in Donbas as siege of Mariupol continues

Las tropas ucranianas lograron repeler ocho ataques en ambas regiones separatistas del este del país.
Ukrainian troops managed to repel eight attacks in both breakaway regions in the east of the country.

Photo: YASUYOSHI CHIBA / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 07 May 2022, 9: 19 am EDT

The Ukrainian authorities reported heavy fighting in Donbas, while the siege of the Azovstal steel mill continues, where the Ukrainian troops of Mariúpol resist and where kyiv believes that Russia is preparing a parade for May 9, Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

The offensive in Donetsk and Lugansk continues, the Ukrainian Army General Staff reported in its latest statement, posted on Facebook.

However, Ukrainian troops managed to repel eight attacks in both breakaway regions from the east of the country, according to that medium.

In Kherson, under Russian control, they observe preparations for a de facto disintegration of the region, in the south, reports the Ukrinform portal.

In Mariupol, where according to Russian and Ukrainian sources the evacuation of 19 civilians was achieved yesterday, the Russian siege continues to try to penetrate the Azovstal complex, according to Ukrainian media.

Two days ago, it had been confirmed that the first Russian troops had already entered the industrial complex, where several hundred civilians and an undetermined number of Ukrainian soldiers are supposedly still refugees.

From kyiv, the president, Volodymyr Zelensky, last night urged the population to be more disciplined and to follow the precise instructions of their authorities and the anti-aircraft alarms so as not to put at risk “your lives and that of your children”.

5 patrol the capital.04 soldiers, informed the mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschko. Its objective is to avoid “provocations” by rioters or pro-Russians, especially between May 8 and 9.

The 9th is traditionally commemorated the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany, with the signing of the Capitulation of the Third Reich and after the entry into Berlin of the Soviet army.

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, will pronounce according to planned his traditional speech that day from Moscow.

But the kyiv authorities believe that for that anniversary the Russian troops are preparing to parade through the center of Mariupol, the strategic port city on the Black Sea, under siege since the first day of the invasion of the country, on 24 February.

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