Friday, September 27

Solid State Drive: How are they different from the previous generation of hard drives?

If you are thinking of renewing or buying a new computer it is very likely that you have heard about solid state drives, also known as SSD. These are the latest trend as far as storage devices are concerned, since they are much more technologically advanced equipment than the old hard drives, which are much slower.

These are units that offer a high speed of reading and writing information, which allows you to enjoy shorter waiting times when performing daily activities such as turning on the PC or starting a program.

LSSDs are the next step to hard drives, the units responsible for storing all the information found in a computer, such as the system as well as the programs and files.

Below we will tell you what are the main characteristics of each one of them to make it easier to choose one of the two when you go to buy your PC or laptop:

1. Hard drive

The main characteristic of these devices is that they are units that use rotating plates and a head that is the responsible for reading and writing the information on the computer. One of its main disadvantages lies precisely in the fact that it has moving parts, since this makes it much more prone to damage, although the most current versions are capable of withstanding light and moderate shocks.

Because it is an older and already standardized technology, hard drives are one of the cheapest options to store information, being able to find options of several terabytes of capacity for less than $100.

One of its strengths is its vast storage capacity that easily exceeds 20TB.

2. Solid Disk

Speed ​​and shock resistance are the main attributes of the new generation of storage equipment. However, all this is accompanied by significantly higher prices and less storage capacity.

Unlike previous generations, these devices do not store information on turntables. In this case the data is stored in microchips in a similar way to what happens when using a flash memory.

Regarding speed, in standard terms SSDs may be able to offer speeds up to 4 times that experienced when using a conventional hard drive.

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