Friday, September 27

How to use Google Maps without internet while traveling

Los mapas descargados se almacenan por defecto en la memoria interna del teléfono
Downloaded maps are stored by default in the phone’s internal memory

Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images

Use Google Maps has become one of the easiest and fastest ways to locate an address. Gone are the days when it was necessary to ask a stranger for directions to our destination.

However, reliance on apps like this also presents some problems. What happens if we are in a place without an Internet connection? From Google they have the answer to this question.

Your maps application is not only extremely accurate in providing directions, it is also capable of work offline if necessary, while providing a high quality service.

“If you plan to go to a place where the Internet connection is slow, the mobile data plan is expensive or it is not possible to connect, you can save a Google area Maps on your phone or tablet so you can use it offline”, says the company.

Here we explain everything you have to do to be able to use Google Maps without an Internet connection:

one. Download the map

To be able to use To make the application effective in offline mode, it is necessary that the device from which the application is being accessed has the map that we will use downloaded.

To do this It is necessary to open the app and write in the search engine the address that we are going to visit. Once the location is displayed it is necessary to press the name of the site located at the bottom and select the download option .

It should be noted that by default this type of download is stored in the internal memory of the equipment. However, it is possible to configure the system so that the file is saved in an external memory.

two. Use the app

Once the map offline has been successfully downloaded, this should be available anytime the app is started and a stable enough internet connection is not available to be able to operate normally.

In these types of cases the user only has to do is enter the address to which they want to go and then the system should find and use the map downloaded automatically.

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