Friday, September 27

VIDEO: Belinda's mother breaks the silence about how her daughter overcomes her breakup with Christian Nodal

Megan Negrete

Despite the back and forth that the breakup of Belinda and Christian Nodal, the singer originally from Spain has not gone through such a simple process as some Mexican media have revealed, since the Iberian would have had to overcome the strong criticism towards her person, as revealed by her mother.

Belinda has not stopped projecting to be a strong woman who does not give in to adversity, it is clear that the Spanish singer has her heart, therefore, it is not surprising that her breakup with Christian Nodal affected her at the time.

Despite the fact that the green-eyed woman did not want give details about it, it was her mother who confessed that the interpreter of ‘Luz singravida’ ended up having a deep mourning when she ended her engagement with the representative of the Mexican regional.

In an interview for ‘Ventaneando’, Belinda Schulz, mother of the actress who premieres ‘Welcome to Eden’ today, assured that this period has served her daughter to compose many themes of love and heartbreak, which will soon be able to delight to the belifans.

“What has happened to him… He is writing some impressive songs by lack of love, of love, that is, that all this does is that it awakens the soul more, it inspires you because you suffer and well, the truth is, being working is like a lifesaver at this moment”


Schulz assured that she is grateful to God because her daughter has found refuge in music, an industry in which the Spanish woman from 32 years she has been playing since she was a girl.

Bel’s mom inda also assured that for now her daughter is very focused on her artistic projects, for which she continues to live in Spain, where she is already recording the second season of the Netflix series that is premiered today on the streaming platform.

“It’s working, right now It is locked up like on an island because it is such a cool concept, where they go on a boat, they are going to be kidnapped and they are going to suffer all kinds of things”BELINDA SCHULZ

About the possibility that Belinda will give herself another chance at love soon, Mrs. Schulz She explained that as a mother, what she recommended to her daughter was to focus on her work for now, since big projects are coming for her.

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