Friday, September 20

San Antonio Congressman Seeks No Federal Property to Bear the Name of Donald Trump; asks for resignation of Ted Cruz

The Democratic Congressman from Texas, Joaquín Castro. Photo: Office of Joaquín Castro / Courtesy

TEXAS – Texas Democratic Congressman, Joaquín Castro announced in a Tweet this Thursday that he would be introducing legislation to prevent federal buildings or government property from ever being named after the president Donald Trump .

“President Trump incited an insurrection that damaged a of our most significant and sacred properties, “wrote the San Antonio native.

” Donald Trump must not become a Confederate symbol for generations to come. ”, he added.

The Texan also said in one of his tweets that supported efforts to remove Trump from office, with a few days remaining in his term as president.

Castro’s announcement was published days after Trump supporters illegally entered the US Capitol the United States in an attempt to prevent Congress from certifying the president-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the past elections.

In addition to supporting the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump, I am also preparing legislation that would prohibit any federal building or property from being named after President Donald J. Trump.


– Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) January 8, 2021

In the outbreak of violence that claimed the lives of five people, some blamed to Trump for inciting the rioters with his messages.

This Thursday Castro, along with his brother, former secretary of urban and housing development, Julián Castro, asked Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, to resign. Cruz was one of the Republican politicians who refused to recognize Biden’s electoral victory.

“(Cruz) has behaved in a shameful way, and I think that he has done this because he believes that it is the only way, the only opportunity he has to win the nomination the Republican party’s nomination to run for president, ”Joaquín Castro told the Texas Tribune.

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