Friday, September 20

Pope Francis would be willing to travel to Moscow and meet with Putin to end the war

Papa Francisco dijo que era necesario que el líder del Kremlin permitiera algunas “ventanas” que den la esperanza del final de la guerra..
Pope Francis said that it was necessary for the Kremlin leader to allow some “windows” that give hope of the end of the war..

Photo: ALBERTO PIZZOLI / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 03 May 2022, 20: 54 pm EDT

In order to stop the humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine, Pope Francis assured that he is willing to travel to Moscow and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Of According to the newspaper “Corriere della Sera”, the Supreme Pontiff has already requested an audience in Moscow to meet with the Russian president, but has not yet received response.

The Pope (@Pontifex_es) said he is looking for “go to Moscow to find Putin” to ask the Russian president to stop the war that began with the invasion of Ukraine, and warned that “NATO’s barking” near the Russian borders could have “facilitated” the origin of the conflict pic

— Télam Agency (@AgenciaTelam) May 3, 2022

Even, e The religious leader explained that he has already spoken with the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski, but has not yet spoken with Putin, from whom he received a call in December for his birthday and that after 20 days of war he asked the Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, to send the Russian president the message that he was willing to go to Moscow.

”Of course, it was necessary I wish the Kremlin leader would allow some windows. We still have not received an answer and we continue to insist, although I am afraid that Putin cannot and he does not want to have this meeting right now. But so much brutality how not to stop it? Twenty-five years ago we lived the same with Rwanda”, he said.

Pope Francis recalled that “on the first day of the war” he called Ukrainian President Volodimir by phone Zelensky and repeated several times during the interview that he was ready to go to Moscow.

Pope Francis said that the prime minister of Hungary, Victor Orban, revealed to him the date on which Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to end the invasion of Ukraine— CNN en Español (@CNNEE) May 3, 2022

Questioning the causes of the conflict, e The head of the Catholic Church mentioned that he does not know if Putin’s “anger” was caused by the presence of the Atlantic Alliance (NATO) at the gates of Russia but believes that “it did facilitate it”.

Finally, the pontiff denied that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, could collaborate in arresting Putin because in the conversation for videoconference they had, “for the first twenty minutes he read me all the justifications for the war.”

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