Saturday, October 5

Why are the Mexican deputies who voted against the electricity reform traitors to the country?

From the perspective of Dr. Ángel Balderas Puga, professor-researcher at the Technological Institute of Querétaro, the Mexican deputies who voted against the electricity reform are traitors to the country because they put foreign interests above their country, but they are also losers.

“We are going to see it in the first week of June, on June 5, when there are elections in 6 states of the Mexican Republic, and there we will see how far the rejection of the electorate for this determination they made”, said Professor Balderas Puga in an interview with Real America News, who estimates that they are going to lose at least 4 governorships, and they will keep their strongholds as Aguascalientes.

Commented that the deputies who voted against, have even been kicked out of public events, as has been verified in videos that have circulated.

“The electrical reform was approved in 2013 through bribes, a practical common ica that has occurred in corrupt governments; and it is not excluded that in this case, they have also delivered bribes to the heads that operated the vote against”.

Professor Ángel Balderas Puga analyzes the impact of the rejection of the electricity reform.(Courtesy of ABP)

And recalled that Iberdrola, one of the companies that benefited the most from the vote against the electricity reform proposed by the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has used a business model that consists of recruiting and hiring public officials as advisers, regardless of whether or not they know about energy.

“That has included Mexico. Felipe Calderón, without knowing anything about energy, despite having been secretary of energy, was hired by Iberdrola, a Spanish company that has been accused by user associations in Spain of manipulating prices by controlling the 85% of the Spanish market”.

Narrated that the opposition against these reforms was born in 1599, a year after the nationalization of oil with Gómez Morin, who was a lawyer for foreign companies.

“There is a sector in Mexico, dependent on foreign countries, that has the chip that problems must be solved by foreigners” .

The analyst mentioned that there is a group of traitors to the country who voted against the electricity reform, because they were given the partisan order and it is very evident that they did not read the law.

“His arguments said it all, as we saw with a federal deputy from Querétaro, who said that it was a toxic reform to favor of dirty energies, when the reform did not propose to eliminate clean and renewable energies”.

He indicated that one more group of the legislators who voted against, was represented by those who hate the current government and vote with the liver.

How the migrant deputies voted.

“The most worrying thing is that they didn’t read. I never heard any opposition deputy object, pointing specifically to any article. They spoke in clichés, they said that the rates would increase. In reality, the PAN and the PRI never lowered the rates, today they are worried

“They also wanted to use a pseudo-environmentalist discourse when only the % of the energy produced by foreigners comes from renewable energy”.

In fact, he argued that the arguments put forward by the opposition in Mexico to reject the electricity reform were falling apart.

“The first group voted for bribes and ideological issues, and a second group voted as a block for party discipline and an order”.

And after achieving that with their vote against, the electrical reform was not approved in Mexico, they exploded in extreme joy, he says. However, Professor Balderas Puga added that in a few hours, the opponents went into depression when the mining law that approved the nationalization of lithium fell on them like a bucket of cold water, and from which they abstained from voting.

“When they began to be called traitors to the country, they went to the INE to complain, but excuse us, that is what language is for. If you vote for foreign interests, you betray your country; and the article 85 of the Federal Penal Code typifies the crime of treason”.

And how not to call them traitors to the country, when they voted in favor of a public company such as the Federal Electricity Commission, continuing to subsidize foreign companies that are its competitors.

“It is as if Bill Gates subsidized Apple, which competes with him”.

In conclusion, he pointed out that the opposition legislators voted carelessly whether to read the law well, not even to say in the public debate which articles they did not like.

“For example, the reform proposed that foreign companies pay a fair rate for using the CFE network, since they only pay 10 cents per each kilowatt hour”.

Unfortunately, specified, there is no Mexican company that is generating electricity on a regular basis.

In the June elections, we will see in the ballot boxes, the balance of the vote against the electrical reform. (EFE)

Professor Balderas Puga said that the opposition did not even read the polls that indicated that the majority were in favor of the electrical reform.

“Your own hard core is concerned that rates will increase. In Spain and Italy, the increase in electricity tariffs has caused the closure of small and micro companies, and the exit of companies. No one is saved”.

According to Professor Balderas Puga, the balance of the vote against, we will see in June 5 elections.

“We are going to calibrate then how much weight it had in the voting percentages, if there is a punishment vote and regionally, where did it weigh more”.

He reiterated that what What was sought with the electrical reform was that the Mexican state control the electrical energy so as not to fall into the Spanish and Italian hell where the rates in 2021 increased threefold in the Spanish case; or quadruple in the Italian case.

“It was sought that there would not be an indiscriminate increase as a result of privileging profit, and because at the moment in which private companies appropriate the electrical system, the state subsidy ends. No company subsidizes its customers”.

AMLO’s electrical reform, he explained, proposed that the 54% of the electric power was controlled by the Mexican state, and the 32% by private companies.

“In France, the 85% of electrical energy, is managed by the French state and the 15% the private one”.

Dr. Balderas Puga told the migrants, whom he understands very well because he himself lived 10 years away from Mexico, in Italy, that it is very important that they maintain communication with their families and nurture them with alternative information.

“The country is changing, since the elections of 2018, it doesn’t go very fast, but it goes”.

Migrant deputies against electricity reform

The migrant deputies who voted against the electricity reform were: Elvia Torres from Movimiento Ciudadano; Eliseo Compean, Nora Oranday and Jorge Inzunza from the PAN; and María Elena Serrano from the PRI, who also lives in Los Angeles.

Real America News is awaiting a response from Serrano to find out why he voted against the electricity reform, and how many forums he held to consult migrants in Los Angeles, to find out if they were in favor or against.

In favor, the migrant deputies of MORENA, Mario Torres, Alejandro Robles, Maximiano Barbosa, Olga Leticia Chávez and Alma Griselda Medina voted.