Friday, October 4

Ana Bárbara shares a moving message of support for Paula, daughter of Mariana Levy

Ana Bárbara / Mariana Levy.
Ana Bárbara / Mariana Levy.

Photo: Mezcaliente / Mezcaliente

Rocío García

Paula Levy, daughter of the late actress Mariana Levy , turned to her social networks to denounce that she was a victim of physical violence, although she did not reveal the name of the victim. person who would have hurt her aroused reactions from followers, celebrities and her family, including Ana Bárbara who shared a moving message of support.

It was last weekend when Paula Levy uploaded a series of messages to her Instagram profile stories with which he alerted his followers, because in them he revealed that for some time he had wanted to tell everything he is experiencing, but he did not know where to start or how to do it.

“ Lying to myself for a while, trying to convince myself that it is not abuse, which is not so serious. For love, for fear, hoping that one day things will change, minimizing years of abuse , years of manipulation. Minimizing horrible things that they did to me in a thousand ways , distancing me more and more from my family that not only wanted is to get me out of that”, reads the publication.

Paula ended the controversial texts assuring that she was ready to break the silence, hoping that her testimony can help someone who is going through something similar.

“ It is difficult to accept that it is abuse when it comes from the person you love most at that moment“, he pointed out.

After the commotion caused by her publications in which she also added a series of photographs of the blows she would have received in the face, Paula attacked the entertainment programs, ensuring that everything was taken out of context.

“Don’t believe what you see on television, the gossip media takes everything out of context.”

Paula Levy

That is why the singer Ana Bárbara, who raised her since she was little after the death of Mariana Levy, spoke about the young woman’s messages during a visit to the forum of the ‘Ventaneando’ program, where he reiterated the great love he feels for Paula and her brothers.

“That is so so I prefer not even to touch it, I love her, I love you and I want you to be well, it is my greatest wish

. It hurts my soul not to be able to, like the chicks the way you take care of them being with them, it got out of hand a lot and I want her to be fine, I want from the heart that she is well, I have written to her and I hope she is well “, Said the singer and pointed out that she was in contact with the young woman, and they assured her that she is good.

“Today in the morning they told me that it is fine“He added before confessing that he would have liked to be closer to Paula and José Emilio, children of Mariana Levy and her ex-partner, José María “El Pirru”.

“I am not the biological mother, nor do I have legal power and that limits you a lot to be there day by day with the child. They know that I am for them, even if it is two in the morning, I have ripped myself off, ”she concluded, confirming that she is very proud of the love that she has given to all of her children.

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