Monday, September 30

“I got tired of not being me”: Chicharito Hernández reveals how he experienced his worst depression for wanting to fill in the gaps in a meaningless life [Video]


Photo: Francisco Guasco / EFE

On a visit to the Los Pinos de Guadalajara Children’s Shelter to deliver a donation on behalf of the LA Galaxy, Javier Hernández spoke about the depression he went through, recounting complicated moments of his life. The closest Chicharito publicly recounted the dilemmas caused by this disease.

“ I got depressed because I got tired of not being me… Yes it was me at that time, but it was the me who had the knowledge of being me. I followed patterns that I grew up with, I had wounds that had not healed and I also wanted to fill in the gaps that I had. It was hitting the bottom of depression to accept that there is going to be an existential void that I will never fill “, explained the man from Guadalajara for Duro de Marcar.

From the way he expressed himself and from the gestures he made, Chicharito’s interest in explaining the experience of him in the best possible way. He even at first looks slightly affected as he searches for the most correct words to reveal how he felt.

“There is an existential void that makes no sense. Many people cling to the idea of ​​’The more you let go, the more you get’ and it is illogical because one has to have to be certain. It is that life does not make sense “, he expressed.

For Javier Hernández, the only way to overcome this stage was accepting that he was not going to fill in the gaps. But to get to that point he went through a severe depression that he confessed to us today.

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