Tuesday, October 8

They march in opposition to US and Russian 'imperialism'

Miembros del Revolution Club piden apoyo al pueblo estadounidense para evitar una guerra nuclear.
Members of the Revolution Club ask the American people for support in avoiding a nuclear war.

Photo: Jorge Luis Macías / Impremedia

For: Jorge Luis Macías / Special for Real America News Updated 02 May 2022, 4: 28 am EDT

Members of the Revolution Club of Los Angeles take advantage of May 1 to demonstrate against the United States, its allies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) “for its indirect war” against Russia and the invasion of this country in the Ukraine.

In the vicinity of MacArthur Park, the first national protest against the “imperialism” of Russia was held. United States and Russia, which was replicated in the neighborhood of Harlem, in New York.

“The indirect war of the United States and NATO against Russia in Ukraine is between imperialist rivals and contenders that could lead to direct confrontation, and potentially even nuclear war,” said Noche Diaz, national spokesperson for the Revolution Club.

“The people of the United States and from all over the world must stand up to demand a stop to the conflict in Ukraine and the direct and indirect participation of the pa imperialist countries on both sides of the war”, he added.

“If this continues, it will not only cause even greater suffering for the people of Ukraine , but that it becomes a more terrible conflict that will cause massive destruction and death, even the extinction of humanity itself”.

Until on 28 April, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified a total of 2 ,800 civilian deaths as a result of the war.

“They are human beings and while imperialism and conflicts continue for domination in the world, these tragedies will continue to happen,” Michelle Xai told Real America News. “First there were the wars in Iraq, then in Afghanistan and now in Ukraine, the United States has its hands in it. This will not end until the interests of humanity are paramount”.

After a series of speeches at the intersection of Seventh Street and Alvarado, at MacArthur Park, from a truck with loudspeakers, Sierra Ríos invited viewers to join in rejecting the war.

“We don’t want a Third World War”, said Sierra Ríos.


The conflict in Ukraine started on 24 February has also had an effect on global food prices in the world.

At the same time, President Joe Biden is pressing to Congress to consider supplementary aid to the regime of President Volodimir Zelensky, with an additional package of 80 one billion dollars.

However, the Russian authorities have said that they are also taking humanitarian aid to the conflict zones where n achieved control in Ukraine.

“We have to defeat this violent system in favor of humanity and we do not accept this future”, declared Sierra Ríos.

His partner, Luna Hernández added: “We all have to oppose this war.”