Saturday, October 12

Parents demand justice for the death of their son at the hands of an agent of the Mexican National Guard

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 04 May 2022, 14: 17 pm EDT

The parents of a student, who was shot dead by a Mexican National Guard agent last Wednesday s in the central state of Guanajuato, demanded justice this Sunday after the agent was released a day earlier by a judge.

The agent was identified as alleged responsible for killing Ángel Yael Ignacio Rangel, a student at the University of Guanajuato, but was released after that the judge decided not to open a lawsuit against him.

“This resolution is outrageous. We demand justice, Ángel’s death cannot go unpunished,” said Norma Lucía Rangel Sánchez, mother of Ángel Yael in a video on social media this Sunday.

“I am aware that my son’s life will not be returned to me, I am aware that this can stop so that there is no case more, that no mother has to live through this”, added the mother.

The afternoon of 27 of April, Ángel Yael, of 27 years old and who was studying Agronomy at the University of Guanajuato, died after being shot by a National Guard agent , in the municipality of Irapuato.

However, on Saturday a federal control judge decided not to open a trial against him, for which he was released.

Following this decision, the University of Guanajuato issued a statement in which crit icó that the alleged perpetrator has been charged with the crime of attempted murder, when in reality the incident ended the life of Ángel Yael and also left another student injured.

In addition, maintained that the accusation does not coincide with the narrated facts , after the incident, by the National Guard itself in a bulletin.

“As we have insisted, there are indications to presume that the fact has several implications, and that it is feasible that there are more elements involved in what happened,” said the note signed by the rector of the University of Guanajuato, Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino.

After hearing the judge’s decision, Ángel Yael’s parents published a video in which they reiterated their demand for justice after what happened to their son.

#AlMomento 📹 | Between tears and sadness, friends and family say goodbye to Ángel Yael, a student murdered by an element of the National Guard in Irapuato.

Dale play ▶️

— Telediario Bajío (@TelediarioBajio) April 29,

In addition, they reported that they will not accept the meeting offered by the senior officer of the National Guard, Evangelina Hernández, as long as they do not receive an explanation that is fair and consistent with the events that occurred on 27 April.

“My son died and that is not going to change, but the delivery of justice in our country can be different,” said the mother.

The woman stressed that they hope that the federal Public Ministry, after the ruling by the control judge, will take immediate action, in addition to a thorough investigation to clarify the crime of the son of she.

With information from Efe.

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