Thursday, October 3

Another Proud Boys member pleads guilty to Capitol robbery

Miembros de Oath Keepers participaron en el asalto al Capitolio.
Members of Oath Keepers participated in the assault on the Capitol.

Photo: Brent Stirton / Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

WASHINGTON – A man linked to the far-right organization Oath Keepers pleaded guilty this Friday to conspiring to sedition for the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, making him the second person to admit guilt on this charge.

Brian Ulrich, of 44 years and natural of the state of Georgia, admitted before the judge that he conspired to prevent the winner of the November elections of 2020 and current president of the United States , Joe Biden, was sworn in on January 6.

Conspiracy to commit sedition is the charge that carries the longest sentences among all the that prosecutors have filed to date against the participants in the attempted insurrection.

Ulrich now faces a possible s sentence of between five and six and a half years in prison.

Ulrich belongs to the American far-right group of Oath Keepers (the Guardians of the Oath), the same one to which the only other accused of sedition who to date has admitted guilt belongs.

Joshua James, of 34 years old and leader of the group in the state of Alabama, pleaded guilty in early March.

They are also nine other members of the group, including its national leader and founder, Stewart Rhodes, have been charged with sedition. ” in the words of the Department of Justice, linked to the citizen militias and that, although it accepts anyone as a member, focuses its recruitment tasks on ex-military, police and first aid personnel.

There are more than 700 people accused of different crimes for the assault on the seat of the US Congress, according to data provided by the Department of Justice.

The largest conviction issued so far for the assault on the Capitol, where five people died and 140 officers were injured, fell on a man who attacked police officers with a fire extinguisher and was sentenced to five years and three months in prison.

On January 6, 2021, a mob of supporters of then President Donald Trump (2017-2021) broke into the Capitol during a joint session of the cameras to ratify the victory of Joe Biden in the elections of the previous November.

Shortly before, Trump delivered an incendiary speech from the White House , where he encouraged his supporters to march to the Capitol in the midst of his baseless accusations that the Democrats committed voter fraud on that vote.

It may interest you:

– Assault on the Capitol: The 65 days that led to chaos in Washington
– Audio reveals that Kevin McCarthy planned to urge Trump to resign after the assault on Capitol Hill
1230733998– Proud Boys Leader Pleads Guilty to Capitol Attack Charges

Maria Ortiz