Sunday, September 22

Free gas in Chicago: requirements and deadline to request the $150 aid dollars

La plataforma para solicitar una de las tarjetas abrió este miércoles, una vez que el ayuntamiento aprobó el programa.
The platform to request one of the cards opened this Wednesday, once the city council approved the program.

Photo: STEFANI REYNOLDS / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 28 Apr 2022, 000 : pm EDT

The city of Chicago approved the implementation of an aid program to give free gasoline and money for transportation public.

This is the Chicago Moves initiative, whose cards can be requested by Chicago residents, provided that they meet some requirements


The proposal proposes giving 5, 000 gasoline cards with a preload of $150 dollars for drivers to relieve their pockets in the face of high gasoline prices.

In addition, the Chicago Moves program will give other 100,000 preloaded cards, with $50 Dollars each one, for people who use public transport.

But the cards, both for gasoline and public transport, they will not be delivered, but the city of Chicago considered to carry out a lottery to assign them .

Gasoline was one of the factors that strongly boosted inflation last March, from the consequences in the energy market due to the war in Ukraine.

How do I apply for a gas or public transportation card in Chicago

People who are eligible to receive a free gas or public transportation card must be a resident of Chicago.

Only cards will be delivered one for each household and only to people who meet the requirements and register for the draw.

In addition, they must be of legal age and have a current and valid city sticker, with a correct email address associated with the vehicle, in the case of free gas cards.

Finally, those interested must have a family income equal to or less than 100% of the median income for the city of Chicago, which is 93,200 dollars for a family of four .

The first draw for free gasoline and public transport cards will take place in the second week of May .

Later, a draw will be organized every fortnight until next September. The winners will receive the cards by mail.

The platform to request the cards was opened this Wednesday after the City Council approved the program.

Applications can be made online at

or they can be presented at any Public Library in the city.

The program also accepts applications that arrive by postal mail , as long as it arrives at the office in charge of the draw before the deadline .

The program will deliver cards until September; however, to be considered for each month’s drawing, applications must be submitted before the first day of each month


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