Monday, September 23

Hispanic vendors of a taco food truck in South Los Angeles were robbed by a suspect and one of them was shot

El food truck de tacos y el puesto de frutas de los hispanos están junto a un lavado de autos.
The Hispanic taco food truck and fruit stand are next to a car wash.

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

Ricardo Roura

Two Hispanic street vendors in Southern California were robbed Saturday night by an armed suspect

, who after stealing their money shot one of them.

Recording from a surveillance camera shows when a suspect in a black jacket appears with a firearm in a food truck installed in Aranda’s Car Wash, near the intersection of Florence Avenue and San Pedro Street.

The suspect shot in the foot a fruit vendor, Hispanic Pablo Briones, whose stall is in front of the food truck .

“At that moment I only noticed that there was a vibration in my foot. I did not feel anything. Afterwards, my body began to feel the pain. We know that we are exposed to this type of violence for selling on the street,” Briones said in an interview with ABC.

Before attacking Briones, he The subject threatened David Jiménez, a worker at the Tacos Arandas food truck, hitting him on the head with a firearm and taking his money.

Jiménez mentioned that he recognized the suspect as a recent client.

“He is known in the community. I told him I knew him. That’s when he hit me with the gun and I gave him the money. I told myself: ‘he’s going to kill me’, so I gave him the money”, Jiménez told ABC7.

According to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Briones attempted to intervene when the suspect threatened Jimenez. Later, he targeted the fruit seller and stole his money.

Briones told the subject: “God bless you”, and that was when the suspect shot him in the foot and fled the scene.

The Hispanic vendor was transferred to a hospital to receive medical care for the gunshot.

“The bullet broke into two pieces and I have both pieces of bullet in my foot. They couldn’t get them out of me, they’re in there,” said the Hispanic fruit vendor, who went back to his business with the help of a walker.

The next day, the attacker was arrested by the authorities and a firearm was recovered .

Police reported that charges were filed against the suspect.

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