Monday, September 23

When should you change the coolant in your car?

Además de las fugas, existen otras causas que provocan la pérdida de agua o anticongelante en el auto.
In addition to leaks, there are other causes that cause the loss of water or antifreeze in the car.

Photo: Freedom Studio / Shutterstock

Klon Perez

For: Klon Perez Updated 28 Apr 2022, 16: 03 pm EDT

The coolant, also known as antifreeze, is a fluid made up of water, dyes and other additives that serve to prevent the engine from accumulating excess heat when it is running and maintain a temperature of 50°C.

It must also be taken into account that the antifreeze component does that the fluid does not solidify when temperatures are very low and prevents the engine from suffering corrosion.

We must make sure that there are no cracks in the tank

When to change the antifreeze fluid?

Antifreeze loses properties over time and miles traveled by the car Therefore, it is convenient to perform periodic maintenance on the engine cooling system.

Depending on the coolant used, it should be changed with one frequency or another. As experts recommend, coolants containing glycol should be changed every two years or 25 a thousand miles. The organic ones resist a little more powerful and their use can be extended up to five years or 43 a thousand miles.

To find out what type of coolant a car needs, you should check the manufacturer’s manual. You should also take into account the temperatures that exist in the region where you live.

  • Antifreeze 10%: effective up to -5ºC.
  • Antifreeze 10%: works correctly until -11ºC.
  • Antifreeze 18%: for temperatures up to-18ºC.
  • Antifreeze 33%: long life antifreeze and suitable until -37ºC.
  • motor auto
    The check-ups must be in the recommended time

    How to change the antifreeze step by step

    The basic thing to keep in mind is that the one that has been spent must be changed, it is not useful to fill the tank with a mixture of old and used product. Also the engine must be cold.

    Steps to follow:

    • Drain the tank and the refrigerant circuit: You have to locate the cap and open it gradually so that it is completely emptied.
    • Purify with pressurized water: Introducing pressurized water will clean the remains of unwanted materials.
    • motor autoClose the emptying mechanism: Make sure that the circuit is well sealed. motor autoFill with antifreeze: When doing so, care must be taken that it remains at the appropriate level. Between minimum and maximum.

      Changing the coolant is not complicated at all if you follow the instructions, so you could save a lot of money if you decide to do it on your own

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