Saturday, September 21

The “signing” of America for a day: Paola Longoria was at the Azteca Stadium and shared with the Eagles squad

Longoria ha ganado nueve medallas de oro en tres Juegos Panamericanos en raquetbol.
Longoria has won nine gold medals at three Pan American Games in racquetball.

Photo: Eloisa Sánchez / Imago7

Paola Longoria, renowned Mexican racquetball player, was the signing of America for a day . The player who has accumulated nine gold medals -individual, doubles and teams- at the Pan American Games visited the Azteca Stadium and was received by the Eagles board and staff.

In Coapa, Longoria received his own America jersey, and was photographed with Guillermo Ochoa, captain; Emilio Azcárraga, owner of the azulcrema club; and Alison González, player of América Femenil.

This happened after playing a little game in the Azteca Stadium with several sports personalities, such as baseball player Stefania Aradillas and former player Jorge Campos.

Nice meeting between figures from different disciplines. This is how America began its week, which will play its last day of the Clasura Tournament this Saturday, receiving Cruz Azul in a new edition of the Clásico Joven.

Paola Longoria got a rash at the Azteca Stadium in her America uniform and shared the court with some cracks like Ochoa, Azcárraga, Alison González, Rafa Márquez, Jorge Campos… SIGN HER UP NOW! 🦅💛

— Monumental Eagles (@ AguilasMonu) April 27, 2022

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