Monday, October 7

They kill a young mother with the coup de grâce in front of her son at the border

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 27 Apr 2022, 7: 36 am EDT

The Mexican police is investigating the case of a young mother, of 21 years old, who was murdered in the most cruel way, in City Juarez Chihuahua, in one of the most violent stretches of the border between Mexico and the United States. A hitmankilled her with the shot of grace in front of his son. According to witnesses, the gunman broke into the building where the victim, caught the child , 6 years old, to see how he shot his mother in the head, then left the place and the minor ran to ask his neighbors for help.

-Read more: Mexican singer Gabriel Soto is killed after a gunshot attack on the border

The victim was identified as Geovanna Vianey “RG”, the scene of the crime was a building adapted as a neighborhood in Juárez, in the neighborhood of Juanita Luna, to the northwest of that border city. Elements of the Secretariat of Public Security arrived at the building, where they found a caliber pistol .54 with a shell casing.

The police cordoned off room number 7, in which Geovanna Vianey was executed in front of her own son. This femicide is the eighth in April and the case 38 so far in 2022. The neighbor who requested the help of the police explained the following: “We were already lying down and we heard a very loud noise, like a gunshot, I went out because the child was screaming. When I opened the door the boy ran to where I was”.

The Chihuahua State Attorney General’s Office opened a file investigation into this femicide, one of the lines points to a possible settling of scores by some drug cartel; and another to a revenge of the sentimental ex-partner of her. The victim’s son is in the custody of the Mexican authorities, waiting for his closest relatives to come to claim his guardianship.

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