Wednesday, October 9

China reports first case of H3N8 bird flu in 4-year-old boy and raises alert

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 26 Apr 2022, 22: 27 pm EDT

China, country where the SARS-CoV-2 virus started, Covid-19 , is once again in the spotlight, by registering the first infection in humans of the H3N8 strain related to avian flu.

The foregoing was confirmed by the country’s health authorities, however, they affirmed the risk of it spreading among people it was short.

The infected is a four-year-old boy who lives in the city ​​of Zhumadian, in the province of Henan, who began with discomfort on April 5.

The first symptom that the infant presented was fever, his parents considered that it was not something of much care and waited for it to go away, however, the minor began with severe pain, so it was necessary to admit him to a medical center.

After several tests carried out the minor at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention was determined to be positive for the H3N8 avian influenza virus.

Given this, the commission pointed out that, although it is the first case reported with this strain, the variant did not yet have the ability to infect humans effectively and that the risk of a large-scale epidemic was still low.

The relatives also underwent tests and it was confirmed that they were not infected with the virus.

China is a country with a large population of wild birds and poultry farms of various species, a situation that favors the interaction between the different avian viruses and their mutation.

In recent years, China has reported cases of infection in humans of the H5N6, H5N8 and H10N3.

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