Sunday, September 22

Controversial statements: Carlos Salcido puts Chivas' league title above Mexico's gold medal at the London Olympics

Carlos Salcido ignited the discussion on social networks this Thursday, after giving more importance to the title he won with Chivas than to the gold medal he won with the Mexican National Team at the London Olympics after beating Brazil in the final.

In an interview for TUDN, the defender delved into the reasons for thinking this that left more than one speechless.

“Gold for Mexico is important, but Personally I always wanted to be a champion with Chivas , I dreamed of it as a fan, I don’t know what would have happened if I retired from soccer and that wouldn’t have happened, “he explained.

“It was the most anticipated (the title with Chivas), the one I dreamed of the most, I lifted the Cup with years, for me it was impressive, (I stay) with the Chivas title, that gold title (the one in London) I was very happy to share with the kids, I knew they had a lot of talent and smiles for our soccer”, he said.

And speaking of retirement, the winger was asked if after winning the long-awaited title with the rojiblancos he did not consider retiring as champion.

“Just when I lift the title, I A movie came into my head and I knew it was the end of my career, then I spoke with Matías (Almeyda) and Jorge (Vergara) to say goodbye and my career was over, we were playing the Concachampions if I remember correctly, in the end we were champions and I was retiring as champion of the Concachampions”, he assured, but something unexpected made him change his mind.

“Three years before my contract with Chivas ended and they only wanted to renew me every six months. I swore to my wife that I was going to make Chivas give me a one-year contract, when the Concachampions passed, Gabriel de Anda arrived as president and he did not know that I was retiring, I went up to the office with him, and at that moment he He offers one year, the movie came to me, I told him ‘let me think about it’, I signed thinking that Matías was still there, Matías goes on vacation and that’s it”, he said.

Before saying goodbye , Salcido spoke about the current situation of the team he loves and said that he will always support Chivas and that he has nothing but good wishes for the institution and the players.

“I know players who are there, they were with me during my time, I know what they are capable of doing, of giving for the institution, for themselves, I don’t know some of them but I know they have the talent, now that they have accumulated this couple of victories I feel that they go with this pressure, hopefully so and that we see the best version of the footballers, first for their own good, we have to support and command the good vibes”, he concluded.

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