Saturday, September 21

They blocked 'Kun' Agüero's credit card for spending too much on video games

Sergio Musella

In a broadcast made on the Twitch channel of the former soccer player, Sergio ‘Kun’ Agüero, the blocking of his card was announced credit for having spent on a freemium mobile game known as The Grand Mafia.

The anecdote was shared with his followers on the platform and the reason was spending money for wanting to level up so fast, that the bank itself decided to block it immediately because of the way in which the former soccer player decided to pay to build his empire in the game.

“I am putting money to die. It is a game where you attack. I attack and they put me down, they send me messages. One day I woke up and went from three million power to two million. I had been attacked and I could see who it was: the leader of the most powerful alliance on the server. So I spoke to the girl and asked her why she attacked me. she made me hot and she had 20 millions of power. I told him that in a week I’ll give you power. ‘Yeah sure, are you going to spend ten thousand dollars on the game to beat me?’ she asked me. Ready, you’ll see, I answered“, confessed Agüero.

Reasons for blocking

The game has a mechanic PVP (player vs. player), where players Players will have to face each other to level up, achieve rewards or a victory, however, the mistake was that Sergio Agüero looked for a way to achieve a more powerful alliance by paying a large sum of money with his credit card.

The game in which the ‘Kun’ was involved, has the peculiarity that the more money you put, the more power you can acquire and allows you to obtain a greater advantage than your rivals, causing the blocking of your card due to to the risk of bank fraud.

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