Saturday, September 21

Pepillo Origel defends himself against accusations of abuse of a minor

Diego Valencia

In an interview with Luis Magaña, the content creator Peraki Soto accused Pepillo Origel of hiring his prostitution service, when the influencer was a minor. However, the presenter did not want to remain silent and replied.

“If you believe in me, thank you very much; you don’t, well no way. Let the dogs bark, because that means we are still walking”, expressed Juan José Origel in a YouTube video, in which he defended himself against these statements.

Soto publicly denounced Origel, explaining that he prostituted himself when he was a minor, since he was homeless and addicted to drugs. “I was a minor and he, I imagine, was already old”, assured the influencer, who has previously denounced the presenter.

Origin Gherkin, who denied this accusation, thanked his community of followers for their displays of affection and assured that “whoever knows Juan José Origel knows perfectly well who he is.”

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