Friday, September 20

American woman retires, goes to Mexico and today lives in luxury in front of the beach with only $ 1,000 dollars a month

The opinion


Janet Blaser decided to leave the United States to live her retirement in Mazatlán, today she lives in front of the beach Like many retirees, Janet Blaser chose Mazatlán to enjoy sun, beach and delicious food. Photo: Getty Images

The story of Janet Blaser , is without a doubt a dream come true for those who want to enjoy their retreat on a nice and affordable site .

CNBC Make It published that Janet lived in Santa Cruz , California, where she worked as a reporter for a local newspaper and where she earned income from $ 35, 000 annual dollars , who were reaching less and less to make ends meet.

She decided to prioritize the joy and happiness and their 50 years took his car and drove until Mazatlán, Mexico .

Regardless of his financial difficulties, liked his life in the United States , where he had a large community of friends and his three adult children who live stable and happy with their respective partners .

Before moving in, he was on vacation in Mazatlán walking along the Beach, swimming and sunbathing , in a friendly city, with cost of living affordable, cultural events and great food. He felt that his life something was missing and was tired of things that made other people happy, like buy expensive houses and cars .

When it was time for to retire did so with a pension of just under $ 1, 000 dollars , which she considers sufficient for her expenses in Mazatlán .

Photo of Janet Blaser on her Facebook profile

Janet shared what are some of his expenses current by month:

Rent , $ 200 Dollars

Electricity, $ 07 and increases to $ 35 in summer

Wi -Fi and a cell phone plan, $ 20

Food and entertainment, between $ 100 and $ 200

Go to the movies, less of $ 5

Breakfast and tip, $ 6

Elegant dinner, around $ 12
Grocery invoices , enter $ 300 and $ 300

Health Care, $ 1 , 500 per year with deductible of $ 1 , 01 , contracted with a company i international health insurance

Consultations with local doctors , $ 3

Consultation with specialist (ear, nose and throat), $ 35

Veterinarian for checkups and vaccinations for their two cats , between $ 12 and 20

Janet comments that even with stumbles everything has gone smooth sailing. Say smile more, relaxes with ease and is more patient and open . She misses her grandchildren and children , but assures that she is not sorry to live retirement as you are doing.

Janet Blaser is a writer , editor and narrator. Lives in Mazatlán, México and she feels so lucky to be able to write about good food, amazing places, fascinating people and unique events. ” Why We Left: An Anthology of American Women Expats ”is her first book .

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