Friday, October 18

AMLO sends the Mining Law to the Chamber of Deputies to guarantee the nationalization of lithium

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente de México.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico.

Photo: Isaac Esquivel / EFE

César Reyes

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, anticipated the results of the vote on the Electricity Reform, which was rejected yesterday, Sunday, and sent to the Chamber of Deputies the proposal to reform the Mining Law that seeks to nationalize lithium.

“I already said it in my report on Tuesday: no matter what happens we are already armored against betrayal. Tomorrow I will explain it again (this Monday 18 of April) ” , expressed the president in his official Twitter account.

I already said it in my report on Tuesday: no matter what happens, we are already armored against treachery. Tomorrow I’ll explain it again.

— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) April 18, 2022

In the middle of the debate that took place yesterday, Sunday 17 April 2022 in the San Lázaro precinct, the coordinator of the caucus of the National Regeneration Movement party, MORENA, Ignacio Mier, announced that this initiative of the Mexican president had already been received by the legislators and could be voted on this Monday in plenary starting at noon.

“I am aware, I consulted the Board of Directors and, apparently, it’s here (the initiative for the Mining Law)… We still don’t know it, let’s see it, analyze it, I haven’t read it, let’s get to know it in detail and see which articles are proposed to be reformed”, said Ignacio Mier at a press conference.

Last 13 April 2022, Andrés Manuel López Obrador revealed that he had already signed the initiative to reform the Mining Law.

“They are not going to put us against the wall; lithium is included in the constitutional reform. And I just signed this morning the initiative to reform the Mining Law so that lithium remains property of the nation,” assured the Mexican president in his morning conference that day.

The reform of the Mining Law, which became in the “B” plan of the Mexican president after confirming the rejection of the Electricity Reform, it seeks that lithium be owned by the nation and its exploration, exploitation and use be exclusive to Mexico.

“This initiative establishes that the exploration, exploitation and use of lithium will be exclusively the responsibility of the State, through the decentralized public body created for this purpose, so it will not be subject to the granting of concessions in favor of individuals, like other strategic minerals for the energy transition, in view of the economic conditions and technological advances in the country”, says the i initiative to the Mining Law that was published by the Parliamentary Gazette of the Chamber of Deputies, LXV legislature, with number 2022-IV , dated received on April 2022, and sent by the Mexican executive to deputy Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, President of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies.

It may interest you:
– Electrical Reform of AMLO is rejected by the Chamber of Deputies
– VIDEO: Mexican deputies debate AMLO’s controversial Electricity Reform
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