Friday, October 18

AMLO's Electrical Reform is rejected by the Chamber of Deputies

The constitutional reform of the electricity sector promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was rejected this Sunday by the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, after more than 12 hours of discussion in plenary, as two thirds of the necessary votes were not reached.

The controversial energy reform, which sought to give control of the energy sector to the state-owned Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) and limit the 46% private participation in electricity generation to favor the CFE, accused of having some polluting and obsolete plants, obtained 275 votes in favor, 223 against and 0 abstentions, so it did not reach two-thirds of the House.

“With this reform, electric power would cease to be a simple commodity to become a public service for Mexicans”, said the deputy during the debate Moses Ign Acio Mier Velazco, coordinator of the ruling National Regeneration Movement (Morena).

The parties opposition to the ruling party Morena voted en bloc and the constitutional reform could not go ahead, which represents a political setback for López Obrador as this initiative was included among the main objectives of his government.

Other postures

In the long debate, between insults, recesses, slogans and the opposition’s call to vote against the reform, the legislators established their positions regarding the modification of articles 4, 25, 27 Y 28 of the Constitution.

Gerardo Fernández Noroña, deputy coordinator of the Labor Party, an ally of Morena, argued that the reform would pay “a the sovereign national law on electricity” and affirmed that it was false that it would scare away private investment.

He added that the initiative included nine of the Points proposed by the opposition in its counterproposal.

The president of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Alejandro Moreno, said that they would not allow “an act of treason against the country” to be carried out and criticized that with the reform they would increase more than 25 % rates.

Likewise, he said that the non-approval of the reform will be “the most Grande” of Morena.

When presenting the position of the PAN on the platform, the deputy Jorge Romero Herrera, emphasized that they do not agree that there is “hyper-empowerment” of the CFE since they consider that competition from the public and private sectors is necessary.

He assured that they did not protect the interests of transnational companies and recalled that n their proposal is the creation of a National Commission of Electricity Networks and to establish low rates for those who need it most.

Jorge Álvarez Máynez, coordinator of MC, pointed out that they are against the reform “because it harms Mexico.”

In turn, Luis Ángel Espinosa Cházaro, of the PRD, pointed out that the opinion does not guarantee low energy prices.

Armored government

The controversial constitutional reform in the sector wanted to be approved after the approval last Monday of the commissions of Constitutional Points and Energy of the Chamber of Deputies.

However, for this to happen, two thirds of the chambers were required and Morena does not have a qualified majority, so it needed to agree with the opposition, however, from a At the beginning, the opponents expressed their outright rejection of the reform.

Prior to the vote in the plenary session, President L ópez Obrador affirmed that his government was “shielded against treason.”

“I already said it in my report on Tuesday: whatever happens, we are already shielded against treason. Tomorrow I will explain it again”, the president wrote this Sunday on his official Twitter account while the legislators continued with the discussion of the initiative.

What the Reform proposed

The constitutional reform initiative seeked to annul the energy model that was designed in 2013 because, according to the current government, with independent producers, self-sufficiency and auctions, the 62 % of the generators are private and the 38 Remaining % of electricity is generated by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

However, the opposition argued that the initiative would lead to an increase in gas emissions pollutants and an increase in the cost of electricity in the country, for which its approval was not feasible.

Meanwhile, The national and foreign private sector expressed its concern on several occasions. ion because they argued that the law harmed competition and would scare away foreign investment in the country.

After the vote, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, coordinator of Movimiento Ciudadano celebrated the ruling. “Today Mexico won, today it became a homeland to protect the planet and the future of our daughters and sons. The Toxic Electrical Reform of Morena did not pass”, he pointed out on his Twitter account.

On the same social network, Alejandro Moreno from the PRI expressed his gratitude for the support of the public at this very moment. important for Mexico.

“ We show that the defense of our country will always be the great cause to join us. This is the first of many victories that we will build together!”, he said.

Meanwhile, PAN deputy Margarita Zavala tweeted: “No one from the PAN or the PRI, or the PRD nor MC all voted against, in total 223: There is no qualified majority, there is Congress, there is opposition”.

On the other hand, Mario Delgado, president of Morena, affirmed that “the betrayal of the PRI PAN MC and PRD is consummated. The people of Mexico will know how to claim them and collect them at the first opportunity. See you in June. There is a lot of people for so few traitors. Long live Mexico and its energy sovereignty!”.

You may be interested:
– VIDEO: Mexican deputies debate AMLO’s controversial Electricity Reform
– AMLO “knocks on wood” so that deputies approve the Electricity Reform
– AMLO accuses foreign companies and governments of “lobbying” on energy matters