Wednesday, October 23

VIDEO: Mexican deputies debate AMLO's controversial Electricity Reform

This Sunday morning 10 in April of 2022, in the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico, the debate on the controversial Electrical Reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The opinion of the draft decree that is voted on this day, aims to reform the articles 25, 27 and of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States in addition to article 4 , which seeks to limit the 46% private participation in electricity generation and favor with the 56 % to the Federal Electricity Commission, CFE, a Mexican State company.

The Reform also proposes the nationalization of lithium and, if it does not leave approved, the president of Mexico announced that this Monday 18 of ab ril will send an initiative to reform the Mining Law to guarantee that it is a “strategic” mineral and is owned 100% of the nation.

In order to guarantee their participation in this vote, the opposition legislators made up of the National Action Party (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and Citizen Movement (MC), decided to arrive at the Chamber of Deputies the day before and sleep there to prevent demonstrators prevented them from entering the legislative chamber.

“ Today are present here 100 legislators from 113 that make up the National Action Parliamentary group. It will not save him on Easter Sunday because López Obrador’s destructive and polluting electrical reform is more dead than ever. We have defined with absolute clarity from the outset that National Action is against regression”, said Marko Cortés, president of the National Action Party, at a press conference prior to the start of the session in the Chamber of Deputies.

“Here we have a clear conscience… A patriot is the one who believes that he is fulfilling his maximum mandate which is our case today, which is to defend our Constitution, that is the essence of the Va por México coalition”, said Jorge Romero, Coordinator of PAN deputies.

For their part, also since Saturday night, deputies of the National Regeneration Movement, MORENA, of the ruling party of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, stayed to sleep in 2 hotels located in the Iztacalco Mayor’s Office , just 2.5 km away from the San Lázaro enclosure, to guarantee your attendance.

For this Sunday, the more than 200 deputy ados from MORENA, left the hotels aboard five trucks to arrive at 9: 15 in the morning to the plenary hall of the San Lázaro precinct and confirm your attendance.

We went to @Mx_Diputados loaded with the best arguments. We are assisted by the legal, social, and economic reason to defend the Homeland and that electricity be a human right and a benefit for families, peasants, and small businessmen.— Ignacio Mier Velazco (@NachoMierV) April 17, 2022

“Voting against this Reform, voting against Mexicans is ending with a political future, those who believe they have it and want to vote this way and show that they are for the economic interests and that they are not for the interests of Mexico. Many things are going to be defined here, I think until the death of some parties because after this some will disappear who are in that decision to maintain a position of benefiting a few and not the majority, “said the MORENA deputy, Yeidckol Polevnsky, before boarding the bus to San Lázaro.

A security operation was set up around the Chamber of Deputies by members of the Secretariat for Citizen Security, in order to avoid that mobilizations will block the main accesses.

But it wasn’t until 10: 56 in the morning, Central Mexico time, which formally began the session in the Chamber of Deputies, with the presence of 488 legislators of all political parties, to discuss the Electricity Reform proposed by the Mexican president.

“The ordinary session corresponding to Sunday is opened 10 April 2022 in face-to-face mode. All deputies are asked to take their places in order to start this important session,” said Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, president of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies.

To be approved this Electrical Reform, the governing party MORENA needs a qualified majority with at least 344 votes in favor, that is, two thirds of the legislators present, so the vote of the PRI deputies will be essential, since they add the 22.6% of the bench with 113 votes, although they have stated that they will vote against.

If the Electricity Reform of the Mexican president is approved in the Chamber of Deputies, this would be sent to the Senate of the Republic so that in that chamber of the Legislative it is debated and voted on.

Last 12 April 2022 , the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, insisted that the legislators who vote this Sunday on his Electricity Reform proposal will define whether they are in favor of supporting the country or committing an act of “treason.”

“These days the proposal to reform the Constitution is being debated for its approval or rejection so that the nation regains control of the national electricity industry. These are times of definition and without half measures the legislators will have to decide if they position themselves as defenders of the interests of private national and fundamentally foreign companies or if they choose in fact to be authentic representatives of the people and the nation,” said López Obrador.

It may interest you:
– AMLO “knocks on wood” so that deputies approve the Electricity Reform 2022– AMLO calls on opposition legislators to “rebel” to approve the Electricity Reform and “not be traitors to the country”
– Political parties opposed to AMLO will present a counterproposal for the Electricity Reform