Saturday, September 21

Baby overdoses on fentanyl, parents charged with child abuse in Arizona

Los padres del niño fueron arrestados por la policía.
The child’s parents were arrested by the police.

Photo: Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office / Courtesy

For: The Opinion Updated 15 Apr 2022, 13: 54 pm EDT

A child of 12 months old, ingested a quantity of fentanyl in the absence of his parents, who were arrested by the Phoenix police and charged with child abuse.

According to the prosecution report, the officers arrived at the home, after receiving an emergency call for a baby who was unresponsive and not breathing. The medical staff gave him two doses of Narcan nasal spray with which he managed to react and was transferred from the emergency room to a hospital

where they gave him a third dose of the same medication.

The doctors performed clinical tests on the urine of the child and the result showed that had ingested fentanyl, which caused the little boy lost consciousness and stopped breathing.

“A small pinch of powder, that would be enough for a child, A child under one year could lick that and get it in his mouth”, he shared Dr. Frank Lovecchio, to FOX News10.

The parents of the minor, Marvin Gray of 37 years and Anna Chávez of 23, were arrested by the police and taken into custody in the co Maricopa Misary.

The suspects are accused of child abuse. When the authorities searched the entire apartment where they lived, found eight pills marked with “M30”, plus $11,000 dollars in cash, published by KTAR News.

The boy’s mother said that did not know in what way she had been intoxicated with fentanyl, since she always maintained his house completely clean, in addition to the fact that it was false that the police had found pills in his apartment.

The father of the minor explained that he had been given his bottle and then took his nap, he went to school to look for his stepdaughter and when he returned he told his wife that the baby was breathing strangely and that was when they made the call to 911.

A bail was estimated for Anna Chávez of $2,500 dollars, according to court documents, and her preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 21.

According to the report, Marvin Gray was on parole for a felony. Now is awaiting trial on charges of possession and sale of drugs .

Arizona poison control centers have noted an increase in fentanyl-related poisonings from “M30” which are illegal. As for the children, it is not necessary for them to take the drug, since the simple fact of touching an object who have been exposed to fentanyl can become intoxicated.

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