Sunday, September 22

Pope Francis sends a Polish Cardinal to Bucha to celebrate the Holy Week Stations of the Cross

El Papa Francisco envió al Cardenal de Polonia a Bucha.
Pope Francis sent the Cardinal of Poland to Bucha.

Photo: ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP / Getty Images

For: EFE Updated 15 Apr 2022, 9: 58 am EDT

Polish Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, who was sent by Pope Francis to Ukraine

to take an ambulance and celebrate the rites of Holy Week for the Catholics of the country, will celebrate the Way of the Cross in the city of Bucha, where, after the withdrawal of the Russian army, hundreds of corpses of tortured and executed people appeared.

The priest delivered the ambulance, the second donated by the Supreme Pontiff to Ukraine, to the cardiological hospital in the Ukrainian capital after personally taking her from Rome, on her third trip since the war began with the Russian invasion.

“There, where The television images have shown the most ruthless crudeness of the war, in that scene of desolation I will celebrate the Via Crucis together with the nuncio (Archbishop V isvaldas Kulbokas), while the Pope will be in the Colosseum in Rome”, Krajewski explained to the Vatican media.

It was subsequently revealed that the Cardinal will celebrate this rite right in Bucha, on the outskirts of kyiv, one of the cities where the Russian army committed heinous crimes against the population during the siege.

Pope Francis said, “ kiss the feet of the Ukrainian people”, explained the Polish cardinal, whose goal is also to be close to the Ukrainian faithful during this Holy Week.

“Exactly, this is what the Pope wanted: that I stay the whole week to experience the Triduum with the Ukrainians. The Pope likes to say that a priest must smell like sheep and that is why he sent me here; to be among the people and not to take pictures or to travel, but to stay and pray”, he added.

The exact place in Bucha, where the cardinal will celebrate the Way of the Cross, is still unknown, while the rest of the celebrations will take place in different churches. EFE

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