Sunday, September 22

What are the 4 most boring signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers

Astrology is a tool that helps to know how the signs of the zodiac behave in different life situations. Some are exciting and easily express their adventures and experiences, but others are characterized by being more tedious. Those who tend to be more closed in society to the point of being potentially boring are Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces.

Although all zodiac signs can cause boredom, these 4 are the most likely to be boring, according to a BestLifeOnline ranking based on the opinion of astrologers.

Of course, it does not mean that they do not know how to have fun or become the worst candidates for a date. Their motivations are very different from the rest and may be poorly understood. Next, we tell you, from highest to lowest, why these signs are classified as the most boring of the zodiac.

one. Cancer

Those born from 21 from June to 20 July are the classic responsible friends. When everything is about to go crazy, are the ones who put the brakes on and lower the adrenaline levels. In addition, they prefer calm, routine and stable plans. They are afraid of the unknown and feel comfortable in familiar places. Although they may be classified as “boring”, the reality is that they are the most responsible and necessary in a group of friends.

2. Capricorn

Who were born from 21 from December to 19 of January are serious and disciplined. They do not take unnecessary risks and feel guilty when they have had too much fun, therefore, they appear to be cold, rigid and inflexible. However, being “boring” has its advantages because he is the one who best knows how to enjoy the fruits of his work.

3. Pisces

Those born from 19 from February to 20 March are quickly exhausted in social situations. They are fun at first, but the charm wears off quickly, as if they were the Cinderellas of the zodiac. This is because they are like emotional sponges and require a long time to recharge . They need space alone to feel good and not everyone has the patience to wait for them. However, when you live alone with them they are wonderful and very empathetic.

4. Libra

Although those born from 23 from September to 22 of October belong to the most sociable sign of the zodiac, it is not so easy to get them out of their comfort zone. He enjoys his time alone and to make him live an adventure, he must be notified well in advance.

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