Friday, September 27

What is 2-step authentication and why you should activate it on your phone

La autenticación de 2 pasos es exigida por algunas plataformas como un mecanismo de seguridad adicional
2-step authentication is required by some platforms as an additional security mechanism

Photo: JACK GUEZ / AFP / Getty Images

Extreme security measures to avoid being victims of computer attacks is the reality facing mobile phone users today. There are many methodologies to do this and one of them is to have a 2-step authentication factor or 2FA, as it is also known.

This system adds another layer of security to the devices by requesting a special temporary key when performing certain functions such as For example, connect to the Internet. This is intended to shield, to a certain extent, the equipment against possible attacks by third parties.

There are different mechanisms to be able to carry out a two-step authentication. Although they are all effective because they involve a random code, some are easier and faster to use than others.

Below we tell you what the different authentication methods are:

one. Text Message

This is one of the traditional authentication options because the application or platform that the user is trying to access will send the code by text message


However, it has certain drawbacks, such as the fact that it is not an effective route if the person does not have coverage mobile. Added to this is the fact that a telephone line can be cloned relatively easily, so an attacker could have access to said security message.

two. Applications

There are some applications such as Authy and Google Authenticator that allow them to be connected to platforms such as Facebook or Instagram so that, if necessary, the user can generate their own authentication code in a matter of seconds.

This means that if a third party has access to your password, they cannot access your profile because you will not have the security code.

3 . Notices

An alternative that pages of finance, and even Google, is to resort to notices which are sent either to the user’s phone or email. In them it is notified that a person is trying to access your account and that to allow it the owner must give his approval .

In case of not receiving it, the most common thing is that the system proceeds to block the account and request that its owner change the password to guarantee its security.

4. Hardware

Exist physical devices that generate random passwords that can be used as a 2-step authentication system. The biggest drawback of this is that unlike the rest of the options, this supposes an expense for the user.

For this reason, this alternative is usually used only on rare occasions and only in scenarios in which the need for an extra layer of security is absolutely essential.

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