Monday, September 30

Vladimir Putin assures that the sanctions have “achieved a certain impact” on the Russian economy

“If you cannot export to a country, there will always be a third country”, he commented.

Photo: MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/Sputnik/AFP / Getty Images

For: The Opinion Updated 13 Apr 2022, 18: 53 pm EDT

President Vladimir Putin expressed during a press conference that the sanctions imposed by the West have “achieved a certain impact” in the Russian economy and the government had to perform some skills, including raising the interest rate to strengthen its currency.

The Russian leader reported that the global sanctions led by the US have been a “lightning war”, for which Moscow: ” Had to raise the central bank interest rate to 20 percent” .

The Russian government is exercising some skills to strengthen the Russian currency and economy in the midst of an unprecedented sanctions campaign, according to The Hill newspaper.


Likewise, the Russian president added that the government needs to allocate more resources to support the economy. “ The economy will adapt to the new environment, if you cannot export to one country, there will be a third country“, he detailed.

Putin annexed, that if you can buy something in one country there will be a fourth nation, where you can get something, since: “ a single country can no longer dominate the world “.

“If they can’t work with us effectively, there won’t be enough food on world markets. Prices continue to grow and all this is attributable to the mistakes of Western countries” , Putin specified.

The former Russian finance minister, Alexei Kudrin had mentioned that the economy would shrink by 10% in 2022, the worst drop in gross domestic product from 1991.

Before concluding, he ruled that high food prices and other sanctions could cause hunger in many areas of the world.

“If it gets worse the situation in financial terms, the situation will worsen even for them. The high food prices and all the problems will lead to hunger in various parts of the world

, and will lead to a flow of migrants”, he asserted.

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