Thursday, October 3

Pope Francis repudiates the war in Ukraine and asks that peace be “seriously” sought

Papa Francisco pide la paz en Ucrania.
Pope Francis asks for peace in Ukraine.

Photo: VINCENZO PINTO / AFP / Getty Images


By: EFE Updated 27 Sea 2022, 12: 58 pm EDT

Pope Francis today condemned the war in Ukraine, repudiated the conflicts that “devastate” the present and future of societies and asked the rulers to “seriously” negotiate peace.

“More than a month has passed since the beginning of the invasion in Ukraine, of this cruel and senseless war that, like any war, is a defeat for all. We must repudiate the war”, which forces “fathers and mothers to bury their children, which makes men kill their brothers without ever having seen them” and in which “the powerful decide and the poor die”, Francis said, after praying the Angelus.

The pontiff maintained that war is “a barbaric and sacrilegious act” and that “it cannot be something inevitable” to which people end up getting used to.

And called on “political leaders to reflect”

and understand that “every day of war makes everyone’s situation worse”.

“Enough, stop, lay down your weapons, talk seriously for peace”, he concluded.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has caused in less than thirty days the forced displacement of 6.5 million people and the flight of the country of 3.7 million refugees, according to the latest data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR.

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