Monday, September 30

California Mortgage Assistance Program: How to apply for up to $80,000 in mortgage payment assistance

Los estadounidenses están preocupados que el incumplimiento de pagos pueda llevarles a perder sus casas.
Americans are concerned that defaulting on payments could lead to losing their homes.

Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images

Derived from the federal initiative Housing is Key (“housing is key”) e he California Mortgage Relief Program is aimed at all those people who —as a result of the COVID-19—have had problems paying for their housing . Despite being a state alternative, this program is financed by the federal government and is a great relief for those who receive it, since the application is free and does not require beneficiaries to replenish the money they obtain through it.

Not everyone is eligible for this program, but the basic requirement that you must comply with an applicant is to have accumulated late payments and be in danger of losing your home, even if you already receive help from other similar programs.

How to enroll in the California Mortgage Rescue Program?

As not all people with problems to pay their house are eligible, it is necessary that everyone interested in obtaining help from this program makes an application by completing the following steps:

1. Go to the official website of the California Mortgage Rescue Program.
two. Click “Get Started” to make a request.

Captura de la página oficial del Programa de Rescate Hipotecario de California.
Screenshot of the official website of the California Mortgage Rescue Program.

3. The browser will redirect to the online application page, in which the applicant must select the option “I am behind on my mortgage payments”. The option related to “reverse mortgage” is intended only for certain seniors.

Captura de la página oficial del Programa de Rescate Hipotecario de California.
Capture of the official website of the California Mortgage Rescue Program.

4. An application questionnaire will open that the applicant must complete in order to apply for aid through the program.

Captura de la página oficial del Programa de Rescate Hipotecario de California.
Screenshot of the official website of the California Mortgage Rescue Program.

If you need assistance applying, the page suggests consulting with a certified housing counselor through 1-800-569-4287.

Which are the eligibility criteria to apply for this program?

Although it is aimed at all Californians who have problems with the payment of their mortgaged home, the California Mortgage Rescue Program requires that each applicant meet each and every one of the eligibility criteria in order to receive your benefit, which can amount to up to $80,:

1. Total family income must be equal to or less than 100% of the area median income for the county where the applicant resides.
two. Applicant must have at least two late payments prior to 27 from December to 2021.
3. He must own only one home for himself and his family.
4. Must have record of financial problems as of 21 of January of 2020 and those problems must be directly related to the COVID-pandemic 19.

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