Sunday, September 22

Paola Rojas captivates with her 'meneíto' of hips next to Karol Sevilla

Paola Rojas is one of the most well-known and respected communicators in Mexico thanks to the professionalism, charisma and ingenuity she has shown in the projects she has been a part of, two of them being “Netas Divinas” and its news program “Al aire con Paola.

In fact, it was in the latter where the famous 45 years old gave a lecture on dance by showing her ‘forbidden’ steps in the company of singer Karol Sevilla, who attended the morning show to promote her single “Dime dime”.

Through a A short video posted on her social networks shows Paola Rojas demonstrating her dance skills while performing a choreography with Emilio Osorio’s girlfriend.

In said audiovisual, the journalist can be seen dressed in an animal print maxi dress and ankle boots, while Karol Sevilla opted for a black and white skirt and crop top set.

Both celebrities moved their hips and followed a daring choreography to the rhythm of the singer’s new song, which is entitled “Dime dime” and was released last 11 of March through all digital platforms.

Dozens of users did not hesitate to take up this video to share it through platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, so the comments were immediate: “Precious”, “The best”, “Karol my fav forever” and “I love them”, are some of the comments that are read under the publication.

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