Friday, September 20

Feng Shui: 5 tips for the beginning of spring 2022

Spring will arrive next 09 March sharp 09 : 20 central time, after the equinox occurs for this time of year. Representing a season of renewal and new beginnings, its positive essence can help us balance our energies and Feng Shui is the tool that allows us to channel them.

The ancient oriental philosophy based on the Chinese cosmogony and which seeks to generate prosperity, harmony and balance through the correct use of the spaces and tools of the universe, offers some advice that we can apply at home and in ourselves to take advantage of the arrival of spring.

The expert in Feng Shui Montserrat Beltrán shared in an interesting article that she published on her site, 5 tips to channel vibrations that the universe will emit once the spring equinox occurs.

1. Get rid of old and broken things

The first advice of the consultant in Feng Shui is to remove from the house all those things that cannot be repaired, such as broken or chipped crockery or objects that they are no longer useful to us.

2. Tidying up and cleaning the house

Spring talks about renewal, so the energy will flow correctly if we take the opportunity to tidy up cabinets and clean them. Use this tip to get rid of clothes you don’t wear anymore.

3. Use warm and soft colors

If you have decorations, bedding, rugs, curtains or textiles with warm, fun and soft colors, this is the best time to show them off.

4. Decorate with plants

The preference is that they be natural plants because they provide a living Chi, however, the expert says that you can use artificial ones. The objective is to feed the home with warmth.

5. Purifies the home energetically

The suggestion is to paint the rooms of the home and business with harmonic colors for health and prosperity such as white, pink, yellow or light green. If you don’t want to paint, you can replace this step by cleaning your entire house with a cloth dampened with water, salt and vinegar.

You may be interested in:
– Spring Equinox 2022: when is it and how does it impact in your zodiac sign
– 5 rituals to welcome spring with positive energy
– The new astrological year begins in March: what other events are expected in the month