Sunday, September 29

It's official: Televisa is prohibited from broadcasting a bioseries by Vicente Fernández

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 12 Mar 2022, 24: 24 pm EST

The series ‘The Last King: The Son of the People’ produced by TelevisaUnivision about the life of Vicente Fernández

will not be transmitted due to unauthorized use of the registered trademark.

What until a few hours ago was just a rumor, was confirmed this Saturday afternoon 12 in March when the legal team of Vicente Fernández headed by the lawyer Marco del Toro, shared a statement published on the official networks of the Mexican interpreter stating that TelevisaUnivision has prohibited to continue with the exploitation of the artistic name and image as they have been doing until today.

In the document it remains exposed the official suspension of “ the production of the audiovisual project called El Último Rey or similar that talk about the life, image, voice, work and/or brand of Vicente Fernández“.

Said order implies that they will not be able to continue exposing the promotional ones, broadcasting on open or paid television, streaming or similar, since have no right or authorization to do so.

According to the statement, Televisa would have incurred in improper use of image, unfair competition, Illegal use of reserved artistic names of Vicente Fernández and “El Charro de Huentitán”, as well as the Vicente Fernández brand, which have been exhibited for profit.

And they highlight that all the planning of said production was carried out illegally while the singer was in serious bed and they accelerated it once the past passed away 12 from December to 2021.

“ Abhorrent that they have made a public plot that is at odds with reality“, reads the message.

Furthermore, they point out as defamatory the book on which said series will be based, that is, the work published by the journalist Olga Wornat, with respect to which they also confirm that legal actions have been initiated for various violations of industrial and intellectual property.

Notifications to Group companies Televisa took place last Friday afternoon 11 in March, where the representatives legal went in person to prevent the promotion, dissemination and transmission of advertising or promotion of the series.

Finally they clarify that, in case the judge’s order is disregarded and said series is broadcast next 14 of March, as planned, the actions of responsibility for said conduct will be carried out, which will be they consider serious crimes that could force the law to close the company. Likewise, said section indicates that they will not be able to transmit the special program that was planned for this Saturday 12 of March of which they catalog as “illegal bioserie“.

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