Monday, September 30

Spring equinox 2022: when is it and how does it impact your zodiac sign

The spring equinox is one of the most important phenomena for astrology. Represents the beginning of the new astrological year and the arrival of the season of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, which means that everyone’s rhythm will change and it will be the perfect opportunity for new beginnings.

When is the vernal equinox?

The 20 March 33 o’clock 09: 33, central time (10: 33 EST) the equinox will occur and, therefore, it will be the first astronomical day of spring. It is the midpoint between the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year) and the summer solstice (the longest day).

In addition, at that time the sun will enter Aries and will begin its journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac, which is why astrologers consider March as the beginning of the year, from the point of view cosmic.

How does the spring equinox impact the signs?

The effects of the vernal equinox will have an impact days before its arrival, as well as days after. According to a Reader’s Digest review, this is how it will affect each zodiac sign.


You will feel that you must slow down in life, so the advice of the astrologers is to take the time to take the next step. The equinox will mainly impact social areas and personal resources.


The equinox spring will arrive with a healing energy, ideal for taking a break. You can take advantage of the beginning of the astrological year to practice self-love and pause your efforts.


The itching of new knowledge and adventures will be worrying Gemini. It will be the right time to overcome their limits and move confidently towards what happiness means to them.


The equinox will pressure you to get out of your warm and cozy home. You may experience a loss of control, but you will find a way out if you maintain your self-confidence.


Provides many opportunities to be the center of attention and shine like the sun in spring. They will feel the desire to create something great that impacts many people and will find joy in their social environment.


It will be time to change the routine to feel balance again and forget the tensions of the last astrological year. You should try not to take other people’s criticism too seriously.


The spring equinox will exalt your qualities, but you must be careful not to make mistakes, especially at work, which could be a consequence of your emotions and lack of communication.


The message that the equinox brings is to stay cautious. Although it has never been trusted, now is the time to be alert as the effects can cause some imbalances at work.


As a fire sign, the equinox is very beneficial, so you should allow yourself to do things that make you stand out from the crowd, but with caution. The changes could be chaotic, so you have to think clearly.


The spring equinox will shed light on problematic issues that have been dragging on for years, mainly in the financial sector. You will find ways to solve them, you just have to trust your perception.


The new astrological year represents the opportunity to start. You can harness this energy to start a project, such as a hobby, and share it with friends.


The days before the equinox you will want to feel free, which could trigger chaos. You just have to be careful not to fall into excesses to enjoy the power of this astrological event.

You may be interested:
– Equinox: what it means and what it consists of
– Know the modalities of the signs and how they influence your personality