Thursday, September 19

Russian soldiers captured in Ukraine fear being shot if they return home

Un vehículo militar ruso destruido se ve al costado de la carretera en las afueras de Járkov.
A destroyed Russian military vehicle is seen on the side of the road on the outskirts of Kharkov.

Photo: SERGEY BOBOK / AFP / Getty Images

The Russian troops who surrendered in the Ukraine face a firing squad when they return home, according to one of the captured soldiers.

According to a Kremlin soldier who surrendered to the Ukrainian forces, and a has “organized a funeral for him” in Russia.

Vladimir Putin’s hesitant invasion has caused morale among his forces to plummet in the face of fierce Ukrainian resistance.

Sobbing Russians have been filmed telling their captors that they had no idea where they were sent.

But now it is feared that their vengeful commanders will order their execution when they return home, the Telegraph newspaper reported.

Speaking at a press conference in Kiev, a soldier of the 2nd Motorized Rifle Division said: “In Russia, we are already considered dead.

“They gave me the opportunity to call my parents and they told me that a funeral had already been arranged for me.

“If we are exchanged, our own people will shoot us.”

The statement came amid reports that Chechen fighters allied with Vladimir Putin are being used to block the withdrawal of the Russians, in a brutal repetition of World War II tactics.

MP Fedir Venislavskyi, a member of Ukraine’s defense and security committee, said that the units were made up of ‘Kadyrovites’.

The parliamentarian was referring to the brutal Ramzan Kadyrov, of 45 years, a close ally of Putin, who heads the Russian province of Chechnya.

“There is information that the occupation forces are creating ‘detachments of barricade’ ”, he told local television, as reported by the local newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda.


“That is to say, the war methods of Stalin and Hitler are being repeated”.

The Chechen soldiers are known as “hunters” and each of them reportedly received a packet of letters containing top Ukrainian officials that Moscow wants to kill.

As the Russian offensive faces difficulties moving forward, images emerged of captured Russian soldiers crying, while claiming they had no idea what to expect in Ukraine.

Intercepted radio messages indicated that troops were disobeying Moscow’s orders to bombard Ukrainian cities and complaining about running out of food and fuel.

The recordings, obtained by the company of British intelligence ShadowBreak, include a soldier who sue na as if he were crying.

In another recording, a soldier loses his temper, while asking when food or fuel will arrive.

Other pictures show the moment when a surrendered Russian soldier bursts into tears, while the Ukrainians feed him and help him call his mother.

You see the man shaken drinking a cup of tea and a pie, while a woman calms him down and offers him her phone.

The young prisoner of war blows kisses while her mother responds and bursts into tears.

The Ukrainians now claim to have killed more than 12,000 Russians since Putin ordered his troops to enter his country.

Dramatic footage emerged Thursday showing the moment a column of Russian tanks is destroyed by a Ukrainian ambush near Kiev.

The attack reportedly claimed the life of another senior Russian commander as Vladimir Putin’s forces advance against the capital. According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the officer killed was Colonel Andrei Zakharov, commander of a tank regiment.