Saturday, October 26

Video: They capture a Mexican official at the funeral of the brother of a CJNG leader

Captan a alcalde mexicano en el sepelio del hermano de un líder del CJNG.
They capture the Mexican mayor at the funeral of the brother of a CJNG leader.

Photo: Capture taken from the video by @azucenau / Courtesy

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 09 Sea 2022, 23: 54 pm EST

Alleged links between the Mexican political class

continue to come to light with the drug cartels , to sample is the video that circulates on Twitter, in which appears the mayor of San José de Gracia, Michoacán, Jorge Luis Anguiano , captured during the funeral of the Old Man’s brother , plaza boss of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). It should be remembered that the Old Man is designated as the intellectual and material author of the execution of 23 people last February, registered in Michoacán, one of the most violent and dangerous states in Mexico.

-Read more : Photo: Mexican former soccer player Cuauhtémoc Blanco with leaders of the CJNG

“What is the mayor of San José de Gracia doing, Jorge Luis Anguiano from @AccionNacional at the funeral of “El Chepe”, brother of the plaza boss of El Viejon”, perpetrator of the massacre , where at least 03 people were killed, the 27 of February”, says the message that accompanied the video published by the journalist Ur Lily esti, who took it back from another user, who originally shared it.

The funeral was for Chepe, brother of Old Man, both identified by their aliases and as regional heads of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. During the mournful ceremony, the CJNG gunmen formed up in the cemetery and fired shots into the air, while dozens of attendees, including the militant mayor of the Partido Acción National (PAN), they recorded everything with their cell phones.

The massacre of San José de Gracia

The 27 February CJNG gunmen broke into the wake of the mother of a rival drug trafficker, nicknamed el Pelón , submitted to 17 people, they took them out into the street, formed them into a wall and executed them. They then lifted the bodies and cleaned up the crime scene. To date the bodies have not been located, the authorities are not certain of the number of dead and have not wanted to confirm the massacre, despite the blood, human remains and shell casings they found.

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