Wednesday, October 23

Dreaming of being persecuted: what are the most common meanings

Dreaming of being chased is one of the most common dreams that human beings usually have, according to a classification by the specialized mental health information site Verywellmind, and beyond reflecting a dangerous situation, it means that something is happening in our life right now.

According to dream interpreters, it is a sign that, unconsciously, you are wanting to escape from fears and desires. If it is recurrent, it could indicate that you feel anxiety, stress, worry about an upcoming event or overwhelmed by responsibilities.

And it is that in life you might want to run away or hide from something you don’t want to deal with, for example, the deadline to deliver a project, financial or health problems, a confrontation with your partner or anything else that arouses concern. The key to a more accurate interpretation is the context of the dream.

Dreaming that People are chasing you

When you dream that a person is chasing you, you will have to identify if you know them or if they are strangers. If it is known to you, you should ask yourself what its personality is because it represents that part of you that you do not want to face or recognize. If it’s a stranger, you probably don’t know what you deny about your personality, according to an article in The Cut where it quotes some dream analysts. However, it can also represent that a past trauma still affects you.

Dreaming that an animal is chasing you

If you have dreamed that an animal is chasing you, it means that you are hiding or fleeing from an emotion or feeling. To know which one you must identify the animal instinct that represents the creature you saw in the dream. For example, if you dream of an eagle it could be a sign that you run away from sharp criticism.

Dream that you are being chased down a dead end

To dream that you run away and reach a dead end street or a wall that prevents you from moving forward, means that the time has come to face a problem or challenge. You have to identify what arouses that feeling of fear or what you are avoiding and face it.

Dreaming that you are being chased inside a house or building

Structures such as houses or buildings represent our inner world. If they are unknown places, they are elements of your personality that you do not recognize or reject, so you will have to face them as in the case of dreaming that they are chasing you down a dead end.

To dream that you are being chased outside

In these cases, the landscape is what will help you with the interpretation. The question you will have to answer is, if that environment had a personality, what would it be? For example, if it is through the sea or river, it may sound like you feel “drowned” because you let many responsibilities accumulate. In this case, you will have to face them one by one so as not to feel that way.

You may be interested in:
– Dreaming of a war: what are the most common meanings
– The 7 most common sexual dreams: what they mean