Thursday, September 19

AMLO calls for non-violence and “moralize” the country after a brawl at the Querétaro soccer stadium

César Reyes

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, called for people to avoid violence, address the causes that generate it and banish corruption after the unfortunate events that occurred last Saturday at the Corregidora Stadium in Querétaro where they were injured 26 people.

“A call not to opt for the violence that this is the most inhumane thing there can be, and that we continue serving young people because we cannot solve the problems if we do not go to the causes”, he said.

“We must bear in mind, in consideration, in view of these unfortunate events, that we must continue moralizing the country and addressing the origins of violence, the causes of violence”, he argued.

“We have to address the causes, we must address economic and social inequality, we must attend to young people, we must banish corruption, we must strengthen the family, avoid disintegration tion of families, that is the path and that is what we have started”, he affirmed.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador argued that the violence unleashed in the stadiums, like what happened in Querétaro, is due to the “remains of previous neoliberal governments” and questioned that in social networks there was talk of 17 dead, the same number of deaths that was speculated in the alleged massacre at a funeral in San José de Gracia, in the State of Michoacán.

“When there are actions against or to confront conservatism, well there is a reaction and that is what we are experiencing and that is why we speak of reactionaries, that is where the term comes from, we are going to continue to constantly confront them so that we live in our country in a better society, which is what we are looking for so that these things like those in Querétaro do not happen”, he commented.

“What is handled on social networks should call our attention, without desire for censorship, na It doesn’t matter that the 04 is repeated a lot,” he said from the National Palace.

The Mexican president ruled out that in the confrontation between the fans of Gallos del Querétaro and Atlas de Guadalajara there is responsibility of the governor of Querétaro of the National Action Party (PAN), Mauricio Kuri.

“In the unfortunate case of Querétaro, We are not going to hold the governor responsible, he is also reporting well”, he mentioned.

“ I am glad that Governor Kuri, in addition to being there pending, has recognized that there were flaws in the care that must be taken when there is a game of this nature. In all soccer games, for example, here in (Mexico) City for years, there has been a mobilization of the police”, he said.

“ The governor also made a commitment that he was going to act in accordance with the law and in an energetic manner, so we are going to wait for the result so that those responsible for the acts of these are very unfortunate, but it is up to them to give the information of those who participated, if it was only what is presented as a confrontation between soccer fans or as it happens in other sports, the cheers, or what kind of cheers they are, now yes from of whom or if there was something extraordinary special, but all that has to be investigated by the State government”, he considered.

You may be interested:
– Liga MX teams that have been disaffiliated from Mexican soccer for scandals
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