Saturday, September 21

Let the US produce more oil and gas: Elon Musk's plan to pressure Russia, even if it affects Tesla

El fundador de Tesla externó su apoyo a ucranianos y rusos por un conflicto, que dijo, no quieren.
The founder of Tesla expressed his support for the Ukrainians and Russians for a conflict, which he said, they do not want.

Photo: PATRICK PLEUL / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 05 Sea 2022, 13: 15 pm EST

Elon Musk used Twitter again to talk about the crisis in Ukraine and made a proposal so that the United States can put pressure on the Russian energy market: increase the national production of oil and gas.

Your plan, considered experts and users of social networks, would be an alternative for the government of President Joe Biden to finally decide to attack Russian oil and gas exports, as part of the economic sanctions imposed on Russia for the Russian invasion.

“I hate to say it, but we need to increase oil and gas production immediately”, was the first tweet with which Musk opened the conversation on the crisis in Ukraine.

“ Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures “, continued the message from the also founder of SpaceX.

According to a report published by The New York Times, one of each 13 barrels that are consumed in the world are produced in Russia, which makes it the third largest producer in the world.

But Elon Musk’s proposal has a trick that is not convenient for his personal interests and that is to increase the production of oil and gas in the country would encourage the production of gasoline vehicles, affecting the interests of Tesla , the largest producer of electric cars of the United States.

“Obviously, this would negatively affect Tesla, but sustainable energy solutions simply cannot react instantly to offset Russian oil and gas exports,” he added.

In accordance with reports on the national market, the country buys daily 650, barrels of oil to Russia.

The foregoing fuels criticism of the White House’s sanctions strategy, as critics believe that these imports are financing the Russian war machine.

The sanctions against Russia have not touched oil or gas

One of the differences that Western powers have clashed over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is that the economic sanctions imposed have not touched the Russian energy market.

Elon Musk’s tweets joined other voices that have asked the government in Washington to consider attacking Russia from its oil and gas production.

However, the Biden administration has refused to add to this sector in the package of sanctions imposed on companies, banks and the Russian goods and services market in general, since it could have consequences for American consumers.

For now, the crisis in Ukraine has already shot up energy prices in the United States .

In California, consumers pay record prices for gallon of gasoline that have exceeded $5 dollars, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA).

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